Totem Pole
Totem Pole
by Boris Vallejo

Special Mentions

by Amanda Lauren

Okay everyone, it's official!  Tashoo is all growed-up now.  He did his damnest everyday to make sure he leveled each play session, and now he is rewarded with complete and utter disappointment lol.  Level 50 is the "end-all" of the game, nothing to do now but turn Tashoo into a loot and crafting whore and also an extra vault mule hehe  <snickers>

Nice job Tashy and great work.  Get busy on those /level 30 toons before Mythic nerfs that too!  =)

~~  Mandy
Congratulations to Our New Guild Owner!
by Amanda Lauren

Okay Tashoo, the House is yours now!  Take care of it and everyone in it to the best of your ability please, and don't make everyone "dance with a Troll" if they don't want too.   <snickers>

Good luck Big Guy and don't forget you still need to change your undies on a daily basis.   Just because it's your house now doesn't mean you don't have to change them anymore!  =)

~~  Mandy
Congratulations to Our New Guild Leaders!
by Amanda Lauren

A very big CONGRATZ!!! to Alline, Mannotoba, Tashoo and Wilamorm for their new position in our guild.  I trust EVERYONE will show them the proper respect due them in the guild.  Please try to be patient with them while they are learning the ropes.   Mostly I am referring to the various /guild commands and also all the hassle that Housing now presents in terms of management, rent, items, and permission settings, not to mention all of it's own commands.

Congratz again!  I know you will do well in running things while I am out of the game for a while.

~~  Mandy
Gratz to Our Newest Level 50 Healer!
by Amanda Lauren

Way to go Mannotoba!  Nice job!  Though I am still not too thrilled you passed up Geli BeansAndGumdops my 45.2 Healer alt lol.

Congratz big guy!

~~  Mandy
Thank You...
by Amanda Lauren

My thanks goes out to Arkinson SonOfArkin, and Wilamorm for helping us out as temporary home owners.

The cottage Arky Baby holds for us will be given over to Tashoo for guild use after he is able to enter the housing zone.  I actually think it's the zookeepers keeping him out, but that's just me.   <grins>

The cottage Wilamorm holds for us is possibly for resale if we can find a buyer for the price it "cost us" to get.  Who knows, it's really up to our current Guild Leaders now if they want to sell it or keep it at this point.  This cottage WAS SUPPOSED to be our main guild house, but due to events that got so F***** out of hand, that's not the case now.

Thanks again guys for hanging onto these cottage deeds for now.

~~  Mandy
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