Battle at Stonehenge
Battle at Stonehenge
by Julie Bell

Guild News

If you have anything that you need to say or would like to share with us, you may submit those to me right here:

New Trials of Atlantis Races
by Amanda Lauren

Half-Ogre Female - Albion. Half-Ogre Male - Albion.

Shar Female - Hibernia. Shar Male - Hibernia.

Frostalf Female - Midgard. Frostalf Male - Midgard.

Midgard's new race in Trials of Atlantis is the Frostalf, a small, wiry, pious creature.   Frostalfar are distantly related to the Svartalfar of Midgard, although they broke away from their cousins long ago and settled in Nifleheim, the cold and desolate lowest level of the universe.

At the beginning of the Realm wars, Dwarven emissaries were sent deep in to the earth to the Svartalfar kings, all of whom declined to send help.  The Dwarves, however, overheard the mention of the Frostalfar who lived in Niflheim.  Desperate, they braved the colds of the lowest universe to approach the Frostalfar, who, to the surprise of the Dwarves, agreed to help Midgard.   Whatever their reasons for helping, they have not shared, but their offer to help was welcomed.   Relatively little is known about the Frostalfar outside of what they wish to tell.

These are the new races for the Trials of Atlantis retail expansion that is due out approximately October of this year.

Guild "Policy and Rules of Conduct"
by Amanda Lauren

I am hereby asking our GM's (the Big Three:  Alline, Tashoo, and Wilamorm) to get together with each other for a few moments and start gathering ideas for what our "Guild Policy and Rules of Conduct" should be.  I don't wish to do this alone.  You all are large and in-charge now, so you decide!  </passes the buck>

If any of you want, you can also "dream up" our Guild Charter.  If this is something you think we should have, or if this is something you have been asked about, then by all means, let's do it.

For the Guild Charter, may I suggest getting together with Regalis?  He is a good writer (fiction, story-telling etc.)  I once mentioned in a post somewhere that I would post a story that he wrote about Elik and Regalis back when we were in our upper twenties hunting at the Theign Aki's camp near Huginfel; sadly though, that story he sent me via email is stored away on a CD that no longer lets me access my files on it.  <cries HARD>  In fact, I have six such CD's with over two years of files, images, data, personal momentos and etc, that are for all intent and purposes....LOST to me.

Anyways you Three, get together and contact me via MSN Messenger or email about our Policies and Rules.  Get them to me after you have them all written down.  Send me a "final copy" because all I will be doing is a "cut-n-paste" to the website.


~~ Mandy

All Hail Tashoo !
by Amanda Lauren

I was going through old notes about the game and I came across some about how it is determined who gets the guild next, after the Guild Leader is absent for three weeks.

I wasn't too thrilled about the method in which it is automatically done.  It said that it automatically goes to the "next highest in rank" who is online at the time of changeover.  So this "could be" Tashoo or Alline both Rank 0 GM's and rightful heirs of my Throne, or it can be a /level 30 toon or a level 3 new recruit who joined last night.  <shrugs>   It all depends on who is the highest rank logged on at the time of changeover.  It's way too random for me, so I just gave Tashoo the keys to our House.  I had no preference between Alline or Tashoo but Tashoo just happened to be online at the time I decided I had better do this before it was too late for me to choose for myself.

I sent Tashoo a message telling him, but he did not nor did he even say "thank you"... /sigh.  Too late now Elik!  One thing I will really miss is my power to "Lord it over you all".  What I mean is, I am the one who deletes guildies from the guild after they have been inactive for over a month or so or if I just don't like you.  =).  Now I cannot do that because the /gc autoremove command is for /gc leader only.  <sniff sniff >

Here's hoping that when I am able to come back to the game, Tashoo or whomever else may be in charge by then "actually" gives me back /gc leader(ship) of the guild.  <crosses fingers>.   OH !!!  (and my homes too hehe ).

When you see Tashy in game, don't forget to "/high five" him.

Screenshots Needed!
by Amanda Lauren

I would like to have some screenshots of you all, but what I am seeking is a close-up of your character's face.  Think of a mugshot like you have on your driver's license or identification card.  That's what I would like.  Also, please remove any visible head gear.  I want to see your face and hair (if any ala Trolls lol).

I will use these mugshots for our "Special Mentions" section and our soon to come "Hall of Fame/Shame" section.

Now, the screenshots you take are in .tga format.  This is VERY large in file size and in most cases will be too big to send through email.  So use an image editor/viewer and then "Save as" a .jpg file.  Then use a zip program to send it to me in compressed file format and then send it to me via email.

If you don't happen to have an image editor/viewer go to our "Suggested Downloads" page and get the one there called IrFan View.  It's a really small program, very fast, and is quite powerful.   It can view all image files and more.

If someone wants to arrange for a "group" photo that would be nice as well.  Make sure whomever sets this up allows enough time for people to gather for this event.  I suggest maybe a two week notice.

Have fun with this and send them soon.

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