Torches in the Wood
Torches in the Wood
by Boris Vallejo


SAVE YOUR GOLD and please donate for our guild housing !!!  Due to events out of mine or Alline's control, we are short on money for some of the bare necessities.  We still need to purchase two trade tools, two vaults, a few more npc merchants, three porches, three consignment merchants, exterior roofs and walls, and whatever interior decor you all want.  I know most of you donated money already, but I hope you will continue to help for the time being.  These things we seek will benefit you as well.

Seeking mugshots of everyone!  Please take a screenshot of yourself up-close.  I don't care about the background or where you are at, (I'm going to "crop" the picture anyhow) I just need a picture of your face up close.  Think of the picture on your driver's license.   That's what I need.  Please REMOVE your helmet if it shows graphics.  I want to see your face and hair if any.  These mugshots will then be used in our "Hall of Fame /Shame" webpage.  Note:  Send these to me via email AFTER you re-save them as a .jpg image file and then "zip" them with a file compressor.  Otherwise these files will not carry over via email since they will be too big to send.

I am seeking people who are talented in graphic design.  Send me an email if you are interested in helping out with this website in that regard.

Submit your favorite fantasy art pictures.

Don't forget to submit your recent screenshots, favorite links, and suggested downloads.  I will add them to the collection.

If you have any special announcements that you would like to share, you may submit those to me right here:

Today's Pic
Latest Screenshots
Special Mentions
Hall of Fame/Shame
What's New
Coming Soon
Wish List
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