My Views on Masturbation

WARNING: This article may be too "racy" or "gross" for some people. Turn back if you don't like reading about the details and intimacy of masturbation! You have been warned!

    There's nothing wrong with masturbation. I do it - - often! It's fun, and offers a safe way for sexual stimulation without the risk of contracting AIDS, HIV, or other STDs.

    Whether you're heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, the truth is that a large number of guys frequently get majorly HORNY, no matter what their sexual orientation. I mean, it's part of being a male.

    Guys masturbate in all places: in our bedrooms, in our bathrooms, in the shower/bathtub at home, in the shower or bathroom at school, with friends or alone - - it's one of the coolest things about having a penis.

    And no, contrary to the myth, size does not matter!

    I've been told that females can masturbate too, though not being a female myself I can't claim to be familiar with the details of female masturbation. But I don't see what's wrong with females masturbating either.

    Males learn to masturbate at all ages. I remember when I learned to masturbate at age 11 - - it was one of the most heavenly new experiences I'd ever discovered in my life!

    Yes, those of us who are virgins cannot wait to have sex! But you can get a lot of pleasure by jacking off too. The erotic sensation of working your penis muscle back and forth and shooting out a load of hot cum is delightfully sensual.

    So to my fellow dudes, I encourage you to fantasize about the gender applicable to your sexual orientation, have an erection, and tickle your pickle to new heights by proudly ejaculating your cum.

    Don't be embarassed about masturbation - - it helps us to celebrate our masculinity and safely attain sexual satisfaction. Sure, it's messy and sticky . . . but it's oh so fun and it feels GOOD!! "Getting hard" by having erections helps us become closer to our sexual identities as males. Don't ever be ashamed when you get hard or when you cum. It's perfectly natural.

    We're males - - so when you're feeling horny, just rise to the occasion and load up.

    Masturbation . . . it's awesome!!

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