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Maison Ikkoku
(Love can be a funny thing.)

After working on some oddball manga such as Lum Urusei Yatsura, Rumiko Takahashi was apparently inspired by a boarding house near where she lived. She started thinking about what people might live there, and then she gave birth to a beautiful love comedy, infused with her masterful storytelling - Maison Ikkoku.

Wacky characters and strange goings on are again the order of the day, but everything is reasonably believable and this really adds to the charm.

Now completed, Maison Ikkoku spans 17 graphic novels and charts the love story between a student and his landlady.


rating : 4


The ending is predictable, but I as read it, I found some genuinely laugh-out-loud moments and a few moments of pure emotion.

Obviously, it won't appeal to violence or porn freaks, but if you like soaps you might like this. If you like love comedies you might like this. If you're a human you might like this. I like it anyway.


Manga-related stuff

3x3 Eyes
Animerica Extra
Banana Fish
buying manga
Cartoon Network
Dark Horse
Dragonball Z
Kia Asamiya
Lone Wolf and Cub
Lone Wolf and Cub Glossary (unready)
Maison Ikkoku

Ranma ½
Rumiko Takahashi
Super Manga Blast
Usagi Yojimbo
What's Michael?

And if you think that my reviews are shit (perhaps because they are) and want to have a go yourself, just write a review up in Microsoft Word and e-mail it to me. It should be up on the site within a week.


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