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(Unrelated to giant red tanks that encounter many amusing adventures.)

A tanka is a Japanese poem which has 5 lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 syllabkes respectively. Recently, a Japanese poet revolutionised the art of writing tanka by combining different forms of writing - classical and modern - and incorporating the normal themes of romance and reflection on the beauty of life, but setting it all against a modern backdrop.

Her name was Machi Tawara, and a few of her tanka inspired me to try writing a few of my own.

These were all written around the end of last year, and although they don't all quite adhere to the 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 structure, I think that I've managed to capture a little of the spirit of tanka. But then I ruin it all by writing a self-indulgent collection of tanka about how I had a chance to have a work placement in Japan.


I write an e-mail
To Japan, about Adolf.
About the terror
Of nations. Behind me
Someone says 'Auf Wiedersehn.'


I listen to the
Counting Crows, playing on
My computer.
All the words wash over me,
And then I smile. Inside.


Oh, why is it that
Of all the oven burgers,
Onion rings, chips
And fritters, none of them cook
In the time the packet says?


Ah, cool, clear water.
'Tis truly the drink of life.
Refreshing, quenching…
And only the impurities
Do your body any harm.


Whatever happens
To my body or my mind,
I think that I would
Rather vegetate, never
Speaking than the plug was pulled.

Of course, all the things
Which I say I will later
Think, or even do,
Are just pure speculation.
We both know we know nothing.


I might be able
To go to Japan - my dream.
I hope it shall pass.
I don't know what shall happen.
The waiting is terrible.

I have loved Japan
For many years of my life.
To be able to
Go there, and even work there -
Oh! What a bliss that would be.

It all started just
Yesterday, when I got an e-mail,
Telling me that I
Could apply for a job and
Some residence in Japan.

I quickly replied,
Saying how much I wanted
To go, but then the
Reply came: 'Many people
Want this. There is a meeting.

A meeting for him
To decide who shall go and
Who shall stay. It is
On Monday. Five long days to
go yet. Why can't I know now?


Sometimes I wonder
"Is it all really worth it?"
"Is there any point?"
"Would anybody miss me?"
Sometimes I have no answer...


The sun lights the sky.
A perfect, wonderful blue.
The clouds - white giants.
And I try to savour this -
The stillness of the world.


The sun dips slowly...
Descends into the earth.
Above me appear
Golden cracks and purple swirls.
The day gives way to the night.



If you want to contribute your own tanka, just e-mail them to me.



Poetic Stuff


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