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So long as such does not violate other Principles as have been defined within this Code, every citizen of the Realm may forthrightly express themself constructively (realizing, of course, that Challenge may ensue if disorderly conduct or words offend other honourable folk).

Upon pain of recompense or expulsion, no individual commoner OR noble may act or speak against the Crown, save honourably, publicly, constructively and within the confines of the Parliament, for the solitary purpose of improving the lot of the Realm.

The Crown expects its representatives & citizens to behave with honour, courtesy, chivalrie, responsibility, and respect to all others, and to act with honour when this conduct is not returned.
Ever mindful of those from outside their borders who are watching, it shall ever be said of TorHavn's citizens (and Her Monarchs) that they have always acted, in civic pride & courtesy.

All citizens of the Realm (and, indeed, all those living within our borders) are absolutely entitled to inviolable personal space. Within this context, personal space is herein defined as a distance of not less than three (3) feet from a person's body. Violation may be defended by Personal Challenge as hereinafter described in Principles of Challenge (c.f.), but may be allowable by nvitation or by legal or medical necessity (of course, voluntarily entering into a crowded area implies such consent).

When representing TorHavn (when meeting tourists or foreign persons or delegates), it is the sincere desire that a TorHavnian dress anachronistically -- as a person or warrior of pre-17th century world might --- conducting hirself as such, according to the principles of our nation.

Why? To ever, as the Society of Creative Anachronism does, emulate the best concepts of the architypical medieval society "as it should have been." The adoption of such unique aspects of such history shall be: (1) a conscious reminder to us, and (2) a clarion call to (A) all prospective TorHavnians and (B) all other nations, to tell what we believe.

Of course, one may always privately dress as one wishes to, but while in the employ of the Crown or Her legal envoy or representative, shall shall endeavor to accurately and appropriately represent the interests of the Realm.

TorHavn shall encourage artistic expression of every kind, so long as it never violates the most basic principles of our Constitution or Code, especially those expressions that emulate our chosen culture and way of life.

We as a nation support:

  1. The right of every citizen of the Realm to self-determination as regards the length of thie life and the time and method of their dying;

  2. The right of every female citizen to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, as a medical procedure;

  3. The concept of socialized medicine (not unlike the government of the UK) and ways of healing and preventative medicine alternate to the established allopathic norm;

  4. In times of peace, to each person who presents no danger to our nation, and who contributes beneficially to TorHavn, the right to life, freedom and the opportunity of responsibly seeking personal growth and satisfaction. This includes anyone handicapped by physical, mental or emotional obstacles, but:

  5. NO ONE may receive freedoms or rights over or above those absolutely guaranteed ANY OTHER citizen of the Realm. These are not "special rights"; these are human rights.

  6. Parameters and particulars of these Principles shall be delineated within this Codex, as needed.

#4: Symbols of Natl. Pride
#6: the Environment & the Earth
The Table of Contents

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