
Current Player: [email protected]

Current Battle: Jade vs. Shinnok

Alignment: Netherrealm

Shinnok has no special moves of his own. Instead he "impersonates" other characters and uses their special moves. For the first turn, he will be in "Shinnok" mode and will have no special moves, then the player must choose one fighter to impersonate for the 2nd and 3rd turns. For the 4th turn, Shinnok will have no special moves again. This continues for the entire match, one turn in Shinnok mode, two turns impersonating someone, etc. Impersonating does not count as your action or your movement for that turn, and doesn't count off from your 10 special move uses per match. Shinnok may not impersonate the same fighter more than once in the same match. Starting Weapon: Bladed Staff
Shinnok may pull out another fighter's weapon while impersonating them, but may only pull one weapon per match.
Kounter Move: Uppercut (While impersonating another character, Shinnok uses that character's Kounter Move instead)

Shinnok is considered by many to be the most evil creature to have ever been in existence. Even Shao Kahn's tyranny is a small evil compared to the terror that Shinnok can and does bring. He was once one of the elder gods, the highest order of gods who maintain order throughout all realms of reality. Unlike his fellow gods, Shinnok longed for power beyond what he already had. He wanted to control all of reality by conquering every realm in existence. He attempted to do so, drawing on the energies of his amulet, the source of any elder god's power. Shinnok gathered his worshippers and began his assault. Immediately, the gods retaliated, striking back at Shinnok whenever possible, but even they had a hard time fighting him off. The battle resulted in billions of lives being lost. One realm was completely destroyed, an act which the thunder god Rayden holds himself responsible for. It was because of Rayden and the other gods that Shinnok was finally beaten and confined in a desolate place called the Netherrealm. Shinnok was thrown into the fiery pits of the Netherrealm, tortured for centuries, the whole time longing for revenge against the elder gods, and against Rayden. He was trapped in the Netherrealm, at the mercy of it's ruler Lucifer, until he met the sorcerer Quan Chi. Quan Chi offered to help Shinnok defeat the Netherrealm's ruler and eventually to strike back at the ones who imprisoned him there. The condition was that Shinnok grant him stronger abilities as a sorcerer and give him a position of power in the empire he believed Shinnok would eventually rule over. Shinnok, with Quan Chi's help, was able to conquer the Netherrealm and take Lucifer's place as it's ruler. He then started to plan his revenge against those who banished him there. He knew his amulet will be the key to his escape from his prison, so he sent Quan Chi to retrieve it. For thousands of years Quan Chi tried to get the amulet, finally succeeding after the defeat of Shao Kahn. With his power restored, Shinnok escaped from the Netherrealm. From there he began his war against the elder gods. With stronger allies and a rage that had been building for millenia, Shinnok was striking at the elder gods harder than they were prepared to handle. Seeing many of his fellow gods being beaten, Rayden makes the risky decision to declare a Mortal Kombat against Shinnok, to which the winner goes the Earth realm, and eventually all of reality.

Baraka | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Goro | Jade | Jarek | Jax | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kintaro | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Mileena | Motaro | Nightwolf | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Rain | Rayden | Reiko | Reptile | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Tanya | Akuma

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