
Current Player: [email protected]

Wins: 1

Current Battle: pending

Alignment: Earth

Special Moves
Grenade - (r, mid or high, 3, 3, may use 3 tech points for a double grenade, double grenade may not be used in kombos)
Baton Trip - (r, l, 4, 2, opponent falls)
Baton Throw - (r, m, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls, user is at -1 speed on next action if blocked)
Starting Weapon: Gun
Kounter Move: Baton Throw

Kurtis Stryker is an officer in the NYPD. His primary job was as a patrol officer, but when Shao Kahn began his invasion, he was needed to help control the resulting riots. As the Outworld portals open over New York, everyone in the city begins fearing for their lives. The police try to keep the city under control, with little success. Soon, Stryker began to see the souls of everyone around him being ripped from their bodies and drawn into the Outworld portal. Before long he was the last surviving person in a city once populated by thousands. With no idea as to what was going on, he just walked. Stryker walked for days. Abandoned cars and empty buildings stood as remnants of the life that used to be there. One night, Rayden spoke to Stryker in a dream. He told him to travel west, that he would meet some important allies there. With no other clues as to what he should do, Stryker headed west. There he met the other Earth warriors and found out about the Outworld and Shao Kahn. Stryker proved himself as a chosen warrior. He helped battle the Outworld forces and end Kahn's invasion. Afterward, Stryker and the other Earth warriors saw their world returning to normal, including the souls Kahn had taken. Stryker returned to New York. His role in the defeat of Shao Kahn earned him a Congressional medal of honor, as well as several talk show appearances. Stryker was congratulated by department chief Anemone for the limited fame he had earned, but advised him not to let it go to his head. Stryker continued to work as a patrol officer. While on patrol one day, Stryker has to arrest an old man for disturbing the peace. Even after being arrested, the old man keeps ranting about the end of the world. He finally says, "Shinnok is gonna kill us all!" Even though it was from a crazy old man, Stryker thinks about his words. Shinnok is a name he knows he's heard before. After hearing about a tournament that Jax and Sonya have insisted on entering, Stryker feels compelled to do the same. His instincts tell him it's important that he be there.

Baraka | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Goro | Jade | Jarek | Jax | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kintaro | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Mileena | Motaro | Nightwolf | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Rain | Rayden | Reiko | Reptile | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Tanya | Akuma

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