
Current Player: [email protected]

Wins: 4 (*)

Current Battle: Kabal vs. John Tobias

Alignment: Earth

Special Moves
Dash - (r, m, 5, 0, follow-up even if you trade hits)
Eye Spark - (r, m, 4, 3)
Ground Blade - (r, l, 3, 4)
Bonus Special Moves
Teleport - counts as movement, moves user to hand-to-hand with opponent, gives user +1 speed on any airborne attack if the attack is used immediately after the teleport, requires one tech point to use. [level 1, from Kung Lao]
Projectile Reflection - (r, v, 6, v, reflects back any projectiles thrown at the user, the height and strength are equal to the projectile reflected back, blocks non-projectile blockable attacks) [level 2, from Nightwolf]
Current Weapon: Hook Sword
Kounter Move: Throw

Long ago, Kabal joined the Black Dragon. There he lived the life of a thief and murderer. He joined the organization out of circumstance, and stayed in because it suited him. When Shao Kahn began his invasion of the Earth realm, Kabal's soul was protected by the elder gods because of his fighting skill. His life of crime was ignored. Kabal was caught in the middle of a battle with an extermination squad almost immediately after Outworld's portals opened to Earth. He was outnumbered, badly beaten, and left for dead. A stranger hid him from the extermination squads and was barely able to save his life. Kabal's face was badly scarred, leaving him looking hideous and almost not even recognizable as human. He was alive, but only because of a respirator that he was now forced to wear 24 hours a day. Kabal didn't know who the stranger was who helped him, but he did know that Shao Kahn was the one behind the invasion. Wanting revenge for what had happened to him, Kabal tried to seek out Shao Kahn. He was fighting with nothing but blind anger, and would have died fighting the Outworld forces had he not been helped by the other chosen Earth warriors. After Kahn is defeated and driven back into Outworld, Kabal ponders his mistakes during the battle and during his life as a whole. He eventually decides that his path will be to battle crime rather than to be a part of it. He devotes himself to penetrating crimes inner circles and bringing the criminals to justice. Kabal's past life as a member of the Black Dragon gives him an edge, and he's successful as a crime fighter. He feels like he might have found his calling, but lately he's felt very empty. When Kabal hears about the new Mortal Kombat tournament against a fallen elder god, Kabal decides to enter. He believes it to be his destiny that he find and destroy Shinnok.

Baraka | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Goro | Jade | Jarek | Jax | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kintaro | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Mileena | Motaro | Nightwolf | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Rain | Rayden | Reiko | Reptile | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Tanya | Akuma

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