
Current Player: [email protected]

Wins: 1

Current Battle: Reiko vs. Tanya

Alignment: Netherrealm

Special Moves
Flip Kick - (r, m, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Fireball - (r, m, 4, 2)
Air Fireball - (r, h, 3, 3, airborne attack)
Drill Kick - (r, l, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls, user lands at ranged distance and is at -1 speed on next action if blocked)
Starting Weapon: Boomerang
Kounter Move: Throw

Tanya is the daughter of Edenia's ambassador to new realms. Like most Edenians growing up in a world rules by Shao Kahn, her life was hard. Her race wasn't valued as highly as Shokan or Centaurians. As a teenager she began experimenting with bizarre rituals in the worship of the fallen elder god, Shinnok. A few years later, during one such ritual, she caught the attention of the Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi. Quan Chi contacted her to find out who she was. As he spoke to her she was quick to pledge her loyalty to Shinnok. Quan Chi told her to wait, that as soon as Shinnok had his amulet she would be needed. During the Outworld tournament and Kahn's invasion of Earth, Tanya kept to herself. She wanted nothing to do with Kahn's plans, seeing Kahn as inferior next to Shinnok. When Outworld is separated from Edenia, and Shinnok's amulet is finally returned to him, Tanya convinces her father to allow several refugees from another realm into Edenia for safety. With Queen Sindel missing, her father makes the decision on his own and allows them in. What he finds is that they are not refugees, but instead warriors from the Netherrealm, led by the newly freed Shinnok. Shinnok promises to reward Tanya for her help, and enlists her for the battle against the Earth realm.

Baraka | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Goro | Jade | Jarek | Jax | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kintaro | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Mileena | Motaro | Nightwolf | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Rain | Rayden | Reiko | Reptile | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Tanya | Akuma

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