
Current Player: [email protected]

Wins: 2

Current Battle: Kitana vs. Sindel

Alignment: Earth

Special Moves
Fan Lift - (h, h, 4, 0, follow-up even if you trade hits)
Fan Throw - (r, m, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back)
Air Attack - (r, h, 5, 4, airborne attack, only hits against other airborne attacks, opponent is knocked back and falls, if the air attack doesn't hit user's distance from opponent changes)
Bonus Special Moves
Cannonball - (r, m, 3, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls, user is at -1 speed on next turn if blocked) [level 1, from Jarek]
Current Weapon: Boomerang
Kounter Move: Roundhouse

Princess Kitana was born 10,000 years ago in Edenia. Shortly after she was born, Shao Kahn entered Edenia. He killed her fater Jerrod and forced a marraige between himself and Kitana's mother, Sindel. Sindel was eventually driven to suicide, and Kitana was raised as Shao Kahn's daughter. Kitana grew up with a resentment for her stepfather. Finally, during the Outworld tournament, she turned on Kahn. Kitana aided the Earth warriors in their fight, and killed her evil clone, Mileena. For these crimes, Kitana was sentenced to death. However, with the help of a friend she was able to escape to the Earth realm, but by the time she got there Shao Kahn was already beginning his invasion. Kitana helped battle the Outworld warriors, but more importantly she told the newly reincarnated Sindel of her true past. After losing Sindel, Kahn was able to be driven back into Outworld. Kitana then returns to Edenia to rule as princess with Sindel as queen. The reconstruction of Edenia goes well for a while, until queen Sindel suddenly disappears, and the fallen elder god Shinnok enters Edenia and wages a war against the elder gods. Kitana joins the Earth warriors in their fight, knowing Shinnok must be defeated and hoping to find out why her mother has suddenly vanished.

Baraka | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Goro | Jade | Jarek | Jax | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kintaro | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Mileena | Motaro | Nightwolf | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Rain | Rayden | Reiko | Reptile | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Tanya | Akuma

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