
Current Player: [email protected]

Wins: 2

Current Battle: pending

Alignment: Earth

Special Moves
Glowing Arrow - (r, m, 3, 3, +1 speed if used immediately after any basic attack)
Shadow Dash - (r, h, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Projectile Reflection - (r, v, 6, v, reflects back any projectiles thrown at the user, the height and strength are equal to the projectile reflected back, blocks non-projectile blockable attacks)
Bonus Special Moves
Teleport Throw - (r, l, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls, user is at -1 speed on next action if blocked) [level 1, from Noob Saibot]
Current Weapon: Gun
Kounter Move: Ankle Kick

Nightwolf is a historian who specializes in the history of Native Americans. He does some work to educate people in his community on the history of the local tribes, including the one he himself belongs to. He has also spent his life studying the spirtuality and warfare of his tribe, and has become an skilled fighter because of it. He's one of the few people left on the planet familiar with the spiritual powers his ancestors drew upon. When Shao Kahn enters the Earth realm, he uses those powers to protect his tribe's land from Kahn's magic. He saves the souls of everyone in that area, but is unable to save their lives when Kahn's extermination squads attack. He and a few surviving warriors are able to fight off the extermination squads long enough for Liu Kang to defeat Kahn, and drive him out of the Earth realm. After the invasion, Nightwolf goes back to his work, but with a greater respect among the people for the awareness of Native Americans he's trying to bring. When Nightwolf gets word of the new tournament beginning against Shinnok, he checks his research. His people have ancient records that speak of both Quan Chi and Shinnok. Nightwolf embarks to help the Earth warriors, possessing knowledge that will be vital to Shinnok's defeat.

Baraka | Cyrax | Ermac | Fujin | Goro | Jade | Jarek | Jax | Johnny Cage | Kabal | Kai | Kano | Kintaro | Kitana | Kung Lao | Liu Kang | Mileena | Motaro | Nightwolf | Noob Saibot | Quan Chi | Rain | Rayden | Reiko | Reptile | Scorpion | Sektor | Shang Tsung | Shao Kahn | Sheeva | Shinnok | Sindel | Smoke | Sonya | Stryker | Sub-Zero | Tanya | Akuma

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