Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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I’ll Be There

Despite the many changes that have taken place over the years in Port Charles, one thing has remained the same.  Chris seems to find a way back into Eve’s life as she needs him the most.  Through the pain and anguish they both have experienced over the last few years despite failed marriages, loves lost and various other problems they’ve endured, one thing has remained constant with Chris Ramsey and Eve Lambert, their friendship.  Time and time again Chris has found a way to bring himself into Eve’s life and help her through her darkest hour.  This Friday on Port Charles was no doubt another display of this.  Upon finding Eve alone in the room she and Ian had made love in, Chris approached her ready to engage in the usual bantering between them, but what he found was a very forlorn Eve Lambert.  In true Chris Ramsey fashion where matters of Eve are concerned, he took a moment to push aside his thoughts about his life as his concerns shifted to her.  When she revealed to him her turmoil over feeling to blame about Ariana’s stabbing, the viewers could see the pain evident behind Chris’ eyes as he hated to see her hurting.  

While we witnessed a couple weeks ago that Chris is still harboring some unresolved feelings for Eve, we also see that despite his cool demeanor she still remains the one thing in his heart that is most important to him.  Time and time again we’ve witnessed Eve’s life in turmoil as Chris was her shoulder to cry in.  Despite the odds and the conflicts that arose, they always found a way to be with one another when it was needed the most.  This time will no doubt be another moment for Chris and Eve as she endures this ordeal with Ian.  In Nolan North’s obviously painstaking performance, we watched as Chris pushed his own feelings and problems aside to offer her up words of encouragement and later on we witnessed the poignant moment when Chris entered Ariana’s room suggesting that Ian go to Eve, that someone who needed him, though we viewers know that Eve is that only someone that Chris has been needing for quite a long time.  Once again Chris Ramsey tries his best to see to it that his best friend Eve Lambert doesn’t experience any pain and yet again his feelings for her are pushed aside.  Will Chris ever reveal his feelings to Eve especially with the onset of Ian breaking things off with Eve, or will Chris find himself in that emotional limbo as his feelings for Eve go unspoken despite the obvious love he harbors for her?  Will this time Eve’s in turmoil be the start of a new level of intimacy for Chris and Eve as they rebuild upon their once forgotten friendship, or perhaps is this just another passing moment where when everything is said and done the two go their separate ways?  Only time will tell.  Keep watching Port Charles: Time in a Bottle and if you have a voice or an opinion about Chris and Eve and their friendship and/or relationship, then let us know here at [email protected]  or better yet write the powers that be and let them know that we want our Chris and Eve TV!!!  Your voice can make all the difference, so speak up!!!
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