Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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A View From a Watcher's POV

So here we are!   Week #4, into Port Charles’ latest attempt to be a soap opera, TIME IN A BOTTLE.  This week saw Karen and Frank getting more involved with each other, as well as the mysterious Cookie.    Cookie it seems is a teen who apparently is lonely and only likes to talk to Frank.  Although this is an open rip off of the interesting film, Frequency, this story continues to attract me to a gut instinct that Frank and Karen are unknowingly going to stumble into someone they already know.   However, this thread could turn into another one of the many flaws that the new writers have created in their attempts to revamp good old Port Chuckles!   Yes, flaws like, Frank and Eve sharing a moment as friends.  I wondered around my kitchen quickly to through rotten tomatoes at over this truly fake piece of screen time.   Obviously the writers haven't done their research on Port Charles or they would have known that Eve and Frank wouldn't even agree on the weather let alone the topic of romance.  Encouraging Frank to go for Karen and doing him favors after all the things Frank did to Eve!    Frank, just be sure, you don't take Karen to Johnny Lau’s for dinner, or ever consider getting Chinese takeout!  As for Eve, maybe a reality check a la morceau du corps, would certainly spin you out of this cycle of needing Ian!
On another front, Ben Shapur came out from under his rock and hoofed it back to Port Charles.   Maybe our cocky hero, Dr. Thornhart thinks Ben is stupid.  Wrong answer… if anything Ben has a criminal mind, and Ian should expect to duel with his evil brother-in-law once again.   Ian’s ignorance could prove fatal for Ariana, who of course will be the latest victim in Ian and Eve's drive to be together….FOREVER!
While I'm dancing around the topic of together, ABC has announced that Susan Haskell will be appearing once again on daytime, except she'll be on Port Charles with information for Ian.  With that in mind, my money is on this horse:   Ms. Haskell is appearing on PC as none other than her Emmy-winning role of “Marty Saybrook”, who played the character for 6 years on ABC’s ONE LIFE TO LIVE.  Remember, on ABC DAYTIME, “Come closer” (Hey haven't I seen you before?)  “Definitely ABC”.   However, Ms. Haskell could be tapped to play another character to connect with Ian in some other way and could be a possible setup for resident bad boy Nolan North, who plays our beloved Chris.   There's only one other man on Daytime (ABC anyway) who can dance that dance over the line of love and hate and that's OLTL’s Roger Howarth (Todd).
And yes, speaking of Mr. Kiss-Kiss Bang-Bang, the week saw an interesting twist with the rat boy (AKA Chris Ramsey).  First Chris licked his wounds from his latest attempt to woo Eve, and resumed course with his attempt to woo Livvie Locke!   Of course, things were going okay until thanks to some help from dear old daddy Kevin, the new Easy Rider, Livvie uncovered that the good doctor was doing what he does best:  running a scam!   Right to his face, she tried to paint him a villain, but that wasn't a good idea.  Chris fought back (as usual) to tell her that she was crazy and to remember that he makes the rules (well he's had time to get back into practice, he was outwitted by wife last time).  This was perhaps some of Mr. North's best work for the role of Chris as the serious bad guy-all purpose villain of the show.  Which is fine, but there are times where we viewers would like to see the human side of Chris (hopefully with Eve!)
And about that trying to woo Eve again… “When did he do that before?”-- you ask.   Well, it goes like this:  A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Chris Ramsey, then an opportunistic intern was really interested in the lovely Julie Morris-Devlin until she found out that he slept with her mother, Nicole, Chris tried to drown his sorrows in martinis with an equally dejected Eve Lambert.  The two roommates bantied about the topic of romance, but it never worked.  Eve went to Scott, and Chris just twisted in the wind. As General Homicide wore on, we uncovered that Chris’ desire for Eve didn't die, it wore on as he tried time and time again to make sure Eve was not a suspect for murder.   Even as Chris saved his beloved roommate and martini buddy from one of the many times she and Lucy faced certain death, she leapt over him and did a Port Charles Polka right over his heart and went for Kevin Collins (yes another silly attempt to make us love Eve).  Since then, it was reunion with Julie and revenge with Rachel that Chris worked his way back to the top and based upon last week's efforts back to the bottle with Eve.  Now this brand of story telling and getting back to PC basics is the kind of thing that leaves me shaken with the hopes of a Chris/Eve revival-rival but not stirred since ratings continue declining and could put the cork in this bottle!

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