Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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Chris Ramsey aka The Human Prop

***Warning:  Slightly Angst Ridden***

This week Chris went back to doing what Chris does his best.....being a prop for the rest of Port Charles.  He shows up at GH on Tuesday just in 
time to help Monica save Arianna's life.  While it was nice to see Chris working at the hospital as is befitting the Chief Resident, his only function is to impede Eve & Ian's ability to get into the operating room with Arianna.  People, why oh why does Chris have to relegated to this horrible position?  Well...actually, it's not a bad idea.  Have Chris cause a little problem now before he sweeps Eve off her feet and away from Ian forever......that could possibly work out.  However, I'm somewhat of a I am...well...sort of....Okay, back in reality, we all know that the PTB seem to want us to believe in an Eve/Ian eternal we know my wonderful dream of Chris and Eve isn't going to 
happen.  What will happen is Chris will once again become a sounding board for Eve......depicted in full living color on Friday when Chris gave Eve a 
shoulder to have her guilt trip on.  Don't get me wrong.....I love the idea of Chris & Eve together.  Those two have amazing chemistry and they are 
very amusing together.  However, Eve doesn't give Chris the credit for being the great friend he has to been to her.  She ignores the huge beacon that Chris gives off about caring for her.  She instead just buys into the collective Port Charles idea that Chris is a close relative of Satan and trusts him with nothing and doesn't think he is capable of warm emotions.  Chris is and always has been Eve's prop.  He does a tremendous job of it too.  He listens when he'd really rather be a victim of water torture to Eve's long diatribes about the men in her life.  He sacrifices 
for her when his motto has always been look out for number one.  He shows generosity towards her when he's proclaimed as being the most self-centered person in Port Charles.  In short, Eve has the best friend she could possibly hope for in Chris Ramsey.  He is her prop and he's back at his job with all distractions swept away...............But at least he's with an adult again....I guess that's something.

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