Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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Poll #1

   1. Besides Chris and Eve what couple do you like best?
   a. Ian and Eve 
        b. Lucy and Kevin 
         c. Frank and Karen
      d. Joe and Gabby
       e. Jack and Livvie 
         f. Jamal and Allison
       g. Chris and Livvie 
   2. Do you honestly think TPTB will ever put Chris and Eve together?
    a. Yes, I think TPTB will finally get their heads checked and put them together.
    b. No, TPTB are stupid, I'm surprised they can get dressed in the morning.
    c. I Don't Know
    d. If they don't get together I will drink some morca and go back to the first year when there was promise for them as a   supercouple.

   Send your Poll answers to Poll Answers

Predictions By Madame P. See----Your Psychic PC Connection

Eve/Ian Prediction:  I foresee several possibilities here, but my prediction for this week is that Eve & Ian get swept away in another medical mystery as they find Arianna has an extremely rare blood type, and they must secure blood for a desperately needed transfusion for Arianna.

Eve/Ian Reality:  More pushing away and colliding as they come back together......yuck city for Moi.

Livvie/Jack Prediction:  I foresee a pregnancy storyline bringing 
together the Ramseys and the Collins families.

Livvie/Jack Reality:  These two will continue to face bumps in the road 
to young adult romantic bliss...more yuck city for Moi.

Chris Prediction:  I foresee a storyline where Chris delves deep into himself and discovers a truth he's long kept hidden.....he's long 
suppressed a desire to become a monk.

Chris Reality:  Story?  For Chris?  ROTFLMBO.........yeah...right.....let me recover from that joke.....LOL

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