Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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by Rachel

(Note: This week however the column has been picked up by frogprincess22, but rest assured that Rachel will be back next week to offer her views and insights on Eve Lambert and Julie Pinson)

A Guilty Heart

At the beginning of this week Eve Lambert was on top of the world.  She had it all with the man she believed she was destined to be with and finally things were finally falling into place, but as destiny would have it, the moment between Ian and Eve as they were making love to one another was tarnished by the brutal stabbing of Ian’s wife, Ariana, as her brother Ben nearly ended her life with this tragedy.  Desperately searching for the answers as to how this situation could’ve evolved into the nightmare it became, Eve found her lover torn apart inside because of his wife’s near demise.  The guilt tore away at Ian as Eve too found herself sunk in a moment where all seemed lost.  Her love for Ian, yet again, caused another tragedy in this lifetime as it had for them in the previous ones.  Knowing that Ian was guilt ridden, Eve was lost somewhere between a rock and a hard place as her heart longed to be with Ian, the man who’s wife had a near brush with death.  

Despite the heart wrenching emotions this week, Julie Pinson played Eve’s poignant array of emotions to the fullest as we witnessed her drift from the zenith of passion and bliss, to a moment of despair as Ian informed her that their love was with too many consequences for them to continue on with one another.  Seeing her heartbreak and anguish, viewers couldn’t help but feel her pain.  Whether you like Ian and Eve together or not, one thing is evidently clear.  Eve is hurting.  Her moments with Kevin or even Chris spoke volumes of what the woman is going through.  Her scenes with Ariana were very heart wrenching as we watched her come to the realization that she could quite possibly lose the man she loves for the moment.  Ian and Eve may have had their share of ups and downs over the past couple months, but this turn about is a true test in their futures.  Are Ian and Eve destiny?  Were they meant to be?  Or is this lifetime apart truly what they should have?  The answers will unfold as Port Charles: Time in a Bottle continues.  Whatever the outcome, there is no denying the talent and strength of the Julie Pinson as she plays out Eve Lambert’s trials and tribulations on screen.  While some viewers might’ve been turned away at the beginning of this new format, perhaps Port Charles: Time in a Bottle might give fans something they’ve waited a long time for.  Perhaps at the end of this book, Eve’s true destiny will have been achieved and she will be able to spend her life with the man she is truly meant to be with or at least we’ll be given a glimpse of Eve’s strength again as she faces this latest challenge that life brings her way.  Stay tuned!


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