Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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R & R With Rebecca

Honour killing---the very term is an oxymoron; after all, how much honour can there be attached to killing anything, never mind your own flesh and blood, which is the thorny subject that PC has chosen to tackle. Shockingly enough, a recent U.N. resolution condemning this barbaric practice failed to get enough support to be passed, which makes the fact of PC choosing to address this issue even more timely and relevant. 
 Although I heartily applaud the writers for putting this volatile subject matter out there, I do feel that the storyline itself has been hurt by three things: 1. The fact that the other point of view (i.e., that of Arianna’s brother/family) has not been fully addressed. In order for this storyline to really work on its own level, and to be seen as anything other than a lame attempt to keep Ian and Eve apart both sides have to be given equal time, which they have not been so far.
  2. Arianna herself has to be more fully developed as a character in order for us to care about her fate. I mean, come on, give the girl some dreams, some hopes, ambitions, and aspirations of her own (other than the old shopworn one of being Ian’s wife)---the actress, Opal Anchel, is doing a terrific job with the material she's been given, but she (and we, the viewers) need(s) something more to work with and to go on than this traditionalistic tripe.
 3. Finally, a little more realism, please---to cite only one example, I'm quite certain that it was not in the least bit necessary for Ian to marry Arianna in order to save her from deportation (other than for the purposes of advancing a hackneyed plot which is doing this otherwise intriguing subject matter a serious disservice); if the situation had been thoroughly explained to the proper authorities, I ‘m almost sure that she wouldn't have been sent back to her (unnamed!) country to face certain death---in fact, I highly doubt it.
 All in all, however, I do find myself enjoying the saga of Arianna, and hope that when this story arc is over, some way will be found to incorporate her into the life of Port Charles on a more permanent basis. Who knows, perhaps Ian will discover that, past lives notwithstanding, he loves Arianna after all, thereby freeing up Eve to be with the guy that I, for one, have always felt that she belonged with---Chris!


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