Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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Weekly Recap


(Note: This week however the column has been picked up by frogprincess22, but rest assured that Tiffany will be back next week to give her recaps on Port Charles)

Monday:  Ian and Eve made love while Ariana was stabbed by Ben.  Frank and Karen had another disturbing interaction with Cookie.

Tuesday:  Arianna was taken to GH and subsequently into surgery by Chris & Monica.  Things looked bleak for her as Eve & Ian beat themselves up over being together while she was being stabbed.  Meanwhile, Ben was at the PCPD proclaiming himself a dipolmat and therefore immune to US charges, but Kevin has other plans as he puts a hold on him.  Ben is sent to GH and into the psych ward where he escapes and challenges Ian on the roof.

Wednesday:  Ben and Ian struggle.  Ian beats Ben to a pulp until Eve comes along and screams.  Ben gets the upper hand.  Eve panics.  Kevin shows up and saves the day.  Ben plummets to his death off the roof.  Livvie attempts to reconnect with Jack, but is hindered by the "biker biscuit" who climbs into Jack's bed uninvited.

Thursday:  Lucy reminded Livvie that people can mistakes, Jamal was threatened by people from his past.  Meanwhile Ian lost himself in his guilt over Ariana's attack as he thought of how he wasn't there to save his sister in the past.  Eve felt the weight of the pain as later Chris informed Ian that Ariana was out of surgery and she found her way to Ariana's bedside seeing what had become of her.

Friday:  Livvie and Jack made love while Ian pledged to stay dedicated to Ariana and help her get her life back again.  Chris told Eve that he and Livvie were over as Ian  later suggested to Eve that they be over.  Karen discovered that her Aunt Caroline looked just like her and Frank discovered that "Cookie" lived in Port Charles.


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