Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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Scoops and Spoilers from various sources contributed by mufinski

Monday: Frank urges Cookie to get some psychological help

Tuesday: Alan advises Ian and Eve to keep quiet about Ben.  

Wednesday: Karen asks Rhonda about her Aunt Carolyn's death.  

Thursday: Amanda suffers a heart attack that affects Alison.  

Friday: Ian and Eve panic when Arianna's heart stops beating.  
 Other Scoops:

--Ian tries to break things off with Eve. 

--Frank encourages Cookie to seek professional help. 

--Karen asks her mother about Aunt Carolyn. 

--Kevin makes plans to spend time with Lucy and Serena. 

--Alan reprimands Kevin and Ian. 

--Karen and Eve team up to help Arianna. --Jack and Livvie grow closer. 

--Ian makes plans to remove Arianna from the hospital. 

--Frank tries to comfort Karen. 

--Alison lashes out at Amanda. 

--Eve worries about Ian's refusal of her help. 

--Frank makes plans to meet Cookie. 

--Alison receives a mysterious note. 

--Alan confronts Ian. 

--Things go terribly wrong when Arianna gets a drug meant to help her. 

--Alison makes a surprising discovery.


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