Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
Chris and Eve Flashback
A View from A Watcher's POV

Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment

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 by Tona

"You know that he'll never give you what you need. Not like I could."

Eve turned to smile at Chris as she refilled his martini glass, "Oh Ramsey, how could I ever pass that up? Vengeful manipulation for unwavering compassion....hmmm," She mused, "Tough call."

"Oh come on," Chris spoke as he lightly moved his fingers over her shoulder, "You know that you love me, and you can't possibly live without me."

She glanced to his glass, "How come your martinis are obviously much stronger than mine?"

He placed his glass on the table behind the couch before he took her hand, "You do realize that you're never going to be able to forget what we have together, don't you?"

"What we have together?" She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, "And what exactly is it that we have, Chris?"

"A cosmic connection. Some spiritual sort of bond that we're never going to share with anyone else."

"Ramsey," She spoke while rolling her eyes. She leaned forward and patted his cheek, "You're beginning to sound like Lucy."

"Maybe she's on to something. Maybe there is a higher power in the universe somewhere that leads us to where we're suppose to be."

Eve glanced to his glass, "You were already drinking before I got here, weren't you?"

"I had a few," He shrugged, "But that doesn't have a thing to do with it."

"Have you finally snapped then?" 

"Maybe I have. Maybe it's just been too long for me without your presence in my life."

"Now I'm sure you're drunk."

"Maybe I am," He spoke as he reached out to lightly brush her cheek with his thumb, "Or maybe I'm finally thinking clearly."

"Chris, I think you need a cup of coffee more than another martini," She suggested as she felt his hand gently cup her cheek. She met his eyes and gasped softly. No, it couldn't be. He couldn't possibly....could he? No....absolutely not. This was Chris. This was her best friend in all the world. This was the single man that she would sacrifice her life for. He couldn't possibly...No, it just wasn't possible. She swallowed her thoughts with a slight gulp as she watched his eyes drift to her lips as he moved slowly towards her. She felt his fingertips ease into her hair as she let her eyes caress his lips, "Chris," She took a quick breath, "What are you doing?"

"I'm taking the first step, Eve. It's something I should have done a long time ago," He finished as his lips found hers. 

Eve slipped into his touch, melting into his kiss as his lips worked a deliberate intoxicating magic upon hers. She tried to protest, but somewhere between the thought and the action, a whimper was all she could manage. Her heart raced in her chest as his lips parted hers, allowing his tongue to lightly dart across her lips. While he coaxed a delicate dance from her tongue, Eve moved her fingers lightly into his hair, steadying herself. Her head was spinning and the only thought that remained stable was how exhilarating his kiss was. She could feel his hands slowly encircling her body as he pulled her closer to him, expelling all empty space and leaving only a breath's gap between them. It all felt so inviting. It all felt so enticing. It all felt.....forbidden.

Eve suddenly tore her mouth away from his and pushed away from him. She leapt off the couch and stepped across the room while she tried to slow the beating of her heart along with the speeding thoughts racing through her head. She took a deep breath before she turned back to face him, "Why did you do that?"

Chris slowly stood from the couch and took a step towards her, "I think you know why, and I think we both know that it's time we stop denying this."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," She spoke with an unsteady voice while she pointed towards him. She could feel her hand shaking. Damn her body for betraying everything she'd fought so hard to conceal. She took a quick step backwards as she watched him proceeding towards her, "Just stop right there, Ramsey."

"That's not what you want. It's not what I want either. It's not what either one of us needs either, Eve," He spoke as he watched her back up against the wall, "It's time we both opened our eyes to that."

"Chris, you are drunk. You don't know what you're saying," She swallowed the last of her words as she flattened her palms against the wall, hoping to find a way around him.

Chris closed the distance between them, placing his hands on the wall beside her, creating a cage from which she could not escape. He eased closer to her and lightly brushed his lips against hers, "Don't I, Eve? Don't you think I know exactly what I'm saying? I do," He whispered as he lightly teased her lips with hers, "I know that it's been so long since I've been able to share anything with you. Now, all I can think about is how much I want to share every part of myself with you."

"Chris," Eve breathed unsteadily, "I don't know what you're thinking, but you've obviously had too much to drink," She placed her hand in the center of his chest, "Just stop before you do something you'll regret."

"Loving you is something I absolutely would never be able to regret," He spoke as he gazed into her dark eyes. 

Eve felt as if time had stopped before Chris lowered his lips to hers, overwhelming her every sense. She barely had time to breathe as he consumed her lips, greedily seeking out an emotional response from inside her. She desperately grasped his shoulder as he deepened their kiss, stirring a long controlled flame deep inside her. The fingers of one hand slipped into her hair, cupping her cheek and allowing him to drink of her while the other hand curved around her hip, drawing her against him as he pressed her back against the wall.

She wanted him. God help her, she'd always wanted him. But they couldn't. It would mean the end of everything. It would mean that she would lose one more person in her life that she couldn't live without. She couldn't risk that. She couldn't ever risk losing Chris. 

She gathered all her strength before pushing Chris away from her. She struggled to catch her breath as she cast her eyes back to him. Why oh why did he have to look at her that way? He was making love to her without ever touching her. Damn him.

"Damn you, Chris. What do you think you're doing?" Eve snapped at him as she took a step away.

Chris seized her arm and forced her back against the wall as he stared into her eyes, "I'm being honest with you."

"Honest? You wouldn't know honest if it jumped up and slapped you," She seethed as she attempted to step away. His body blocked her path while his hand remained firm upon her arm. She met his eyes and had to fight the urge to fall into his arms in a bundle of tears, "Let me go, Chris."

"Don't run, Eve. Don't run from what you know to be true," He spoke without releasing her.

"What I know to be true is that you're drunk and crazy," She snapped at him once again as she shoved him away. She stepped across the room and saw her purse lying across an arm of the couch. She started towards the purse when she heard him behind her. She spun on her heel to face him, "Don't you dare touch me, Chris. You just stay away from me."

"You're afraid," Chris spoke bluntly, "You're afraid of what we feel."

"What you feel, Chris. Not me," She spoke every word clearly, "You stay away from me, do you understand?"

"Eve, I'm not going to let you just walk into his arms when I know it's not what you want."

"It's none of your business, Chris!" Eve shouted, "Get this through your head, Ramsey. I love Ian Thornhart and I'm going to marry him. There is nothing between you and me. There never was. Just put these crazy ideas out of your head."

"Crazy? Is it really so crazy that I could lo.."

"Don't!" She shrieked, "Don't you dare even think about saying that!"

"Why not? Because you're afraid? You have nothing to be afraid of, Eve," He spoke as he attempted to reach out to her. She wiggled away from his touch and scrambled to her purse, "Don't run, Eve. Don't run away from me."

"I'm doing what's best for us both. I'm leaving, Chris," She said as she snatched her purse from the couch and made her move towards the door, "I'm going to be with my fiancee."

"Eve, don't leave. Don't walk out that door," He begged her before standing tall, "You'll be making the biggest mistake of your life if you walk out on me."

"Is that a threat, Chris?" She narrowed her eyes, "I actually thought you were different with me. Crazy, huh?" She shook her head before opening the door, "Just stay away from me, Chris."

"I'm not going to let you marry him," Chris vowed as he watched her closely.

"You don't have any choice," Eve declared as she left his apartment, slamming the door behind her.

...intrigued with this excerpt??  Well then try on the whole story Trouble In Paradise by Tona.  Chris and Eve Fans won't be disappointed!!!


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