age  23
dob  July 3rd
eye color  Green
hair color  Brown
height  5'10
partner   Gomamon
d-os   blue + black


Lewis is a liar. A conman in the making, he'll lie about anything if he thinks he can get away with it and honestly with all the practice he's had, he very often does. That said, Lewis is not malicious. He doesn't lie to hurt people or to create drama. He simply suffers from the dreaded middle child syndrome, and used lying as a way to get the attention he didn't normally get and it was just something he had a hard time growing out of.

That isn't to say Lewis can't be honest. Oh he most definitely can, but it's usually only when it suits him. Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to trust Lewis. He's incredibly charming and a sweet talker. He talks a lot and uses doublespeak to be deliberately confusing. His lying has gotten him in trouble on more than one occasion, but facing the consequences hasn't broken the habit. It's only made him more determined to get better at being deceptive.

Underneath all of that is a young man who craves attention like he craves air. Being the middle child in such a huge family left him feeling deprived of the attention he would've gotten if he were an only child. It's difficult not to resent his siblings, but he manages to. He and Gomamon have a rather odd relationship. Because of Lewis's bad habits, he tends to get uncomfortable around Gomamon. Gomamon trusts his partner, often when no one else does and it makes Lewis doubly uncomfortable because he doesn't want to let his friend down.


Lewis is the third child of five. He has two older sisters, Stacey and Camille, a younger brother, Andrew, and a younger sister, Carmen. His younger siblings were born back to back and are barely a year apart. Because of this Lewis was kind of shuffled off to the side. Not purposely, and he's long since forgiven his parents for it. He is currently enrolled in his first year at Laguna Bay University.

General Facts

- Lewis works in a bookstore.
- He loves to write and has been publisehd a few times in a local magazine.
- He collects books and owns several Hemingway first editions.
- Out of the Digidestined, he holds the current high score in Guitar Hero.
- He is a English major.
- At 17, Lewis lied about his age and got his tongue pierced with a fake id. He had to remove the piercing when his parents found out.