age  20
dob  November 15th
eyes color  Brown
hair color  Brown
height  5'3
partner   Palmon
d-os   pink + black


There's not a mean bone in Sasha's body. Kindness shown to her is met with kindness in excess. Her humble, down-to-earth attitude makes her appealing to approach since she's more than willing to listen and offer support to anyone who needs it and asks it of her. Sasha can, in fact, be too giving, often to the point of exhausting herself. People can and have taken advantage of this part of her, but it hasn't made Sasha bitter. She still believes in the ultimate good in other people and wants to see the best in them.

Sasha's tender heart can be a double edged sword. She can take things personally even if they're not meant to be. So it often makes her gunshy about putting herself in vulnerable positions. Betrayal is something she'd feel deeply and for a long time. Still, she can't settle for shallow relationships and is more willing to wear her heart on her sleeve when she feels like she can trust someone.

Her Digidestined status slots nicely into her life. She cares deeply for her partner and strives to help her save the Digital World at all costs.


Sasha was born with a silver spoon in each hand as the child of two successful corporate attorneys. She spent more time with nannies and babysitters than she ever did with her actual parents, who showered her with gifts when they wanted her to behave in front of their social circle. She was enrolled in all manner of extra curriculars and after school activities, not only to keep her out of their hair but to also ensure she became a well rounded adult.

They were disappointed when Sasha opted to attend Laguna Bay University, despite being accepted into a number of ivy league universities. Laguna Bay became an escape for her and she doesn't think she'll leave it any time soon.

general facts

- Sasha loves K-Dramas and binges them regularly.
- She still watches Saturday morning cartoons in her pjs. Usually with a bowl of cereal.
- As a huge fan of Phantom of the Opera, Sasha's got quite the collection of memorabilia.
- Sasha has always had a green thumb. Her side of her dorm room is covered in plants that are absolutely thriving.
- Her parents wanted her to be well rounded so she took ballet, violin, and piano lessons for most of her childhood. She loves ballet and has a working knowledge of the piano.