Alanis: The Lost Empire
Anti-Miss Cleo
Baby, by Whitney Houston
Bond: The New CD
Fat Fast
Gap Jeans
Jamie & Jessie
Jamie & Jessie II
Jamie & Jessie III
Macca-Roni & Cheese
Nicolette: Cigarette Medicine
Southwest Airlines
The 1998 Diva's Live Concert
The Divas Are Back
The Electric Butt Warmer
Xena: The Series Finale

Farting Onto You
I Need
I Swear
Shaving Cream?

Previous Layouts
Spotted on Church Bulletins
Who are we?
Links We Love
Link to Us!

Wow, you're THAT bored, huh? You must be wondering, "Just who are these great(!) girls who have done so much work on this site?"
Well, here we are...

Names: Jamie & Jessica Steele

Birthdate: June 11, 1987
(Yes, both of us. We are two nonsensical identical twins)

Location: Southern California

Favorite Music: The Beatles!!!! But any form of Classic Rock will do. Our other favorites include: Wings, Badfinger, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zepplin, and Queen.
We even dig some of "today's stuff" like Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Alanis Morisette, Garbage, Natalie Imbruglia, Stone Temple Pilots, and Sheryl Crow.

Stuff We're Into: As all of you know, we really dig comedy, and we really dig writing it. But we also dig other stuff, such as building webpages, cats, music, Lord of the Rings, The Simpson's, Laurel & Hardy, and Sherlock Holmes.

Favorite Food: Food, glorious food... no, we are not fat. But we really dig Asian and Italian. We also dig soup, seafood, and any form of chocolate!
Jamie: Unless it's super rich chocolate. Yuck! And I'm lactose intolerant, so hold the milk and cheese. I personally can't stand Japanese or Vietnamese food -- and I tried to be adventerous before passing judgement!
Peeves: Anything Pop (except for soda), valley girls, boring movies, Rap, swearing, and anything morally degrading.

And, if you're REALLY bored, you can always check out our
journals and find out even more about us:

Jessie's - Read Jamie's)


Do you want us to beg? Do you really? 'Cause we'll do it, you know!
We dig feedback more than apples with brie cheese, and only slightly
less than The Beatles. Constructive criticisms are accepted (albeit
begrudgingly). But no flaming! Because we like to use those flamey flames, however, to light up the bags of poop we throw back on your doorsteps. In other words, please find something better to do, and stop wasting time!

"Life is very short, and there's no time for pushing and fighting, my friend..."

Anyway, please let us know what you think!

Jamie: Seriously folks, it's better than Orlando Bloom sitting on my lap with Elijah Wood in the corner making me margaritas. Okay, almost. Either way, we really, really love feedback, and always answer!

Jessie: I am a self-professed feedback junkie. I work between the corners of Constructive Criticism Avenue and Show Me the Love Blvd.

Jamie: It's the great big ole box of Hamburger Helper to our 50lbs of low-self-esteem-uncooked-ground-beef.

Jessie: Feed us! FEED US!

Is there ANY other way that we can say that we crave and love feedback? I think not. You know what to do!

And now ... you have a mission, if you chose to accept it.

Jamie - E-mail Jessie)
Heehee ... who would you like to find out about first?
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