Meet Jeff Tracy

Jeff Tracy here, patriarch of the Tracy clan and commander of the International Rescue Organization. As you know, we who are IR agents lead adventurous lives, but then, my life has been one big adventure after another for many years---not the least of which has been raising five energetic, inventive and clever sons. I couldn't be more proud of them all!

I started life on my family's wheat farm in Kansas. As a boy, I loved to tinker with whatever farm equipment my father would let me work with, and through experimenting with engines, switches, gears and other components I was able to gain a great deal of knowledge which put me ahead in my studies in engineering and technology at school. Little did I know at that time that my home life and studies were leading me to a life in outer space.

As I left school, I decided to join the US Air Force and studied to be a pilot while I took further courses in aviation technology. I also trained as an astronaut, with hopes that this would lead me into a stint in the space program. My time at Anderson Air Force Base afforded me a very stimulating environment in which to learn and grow; I moved upward through the ranks quickly, becoming the youngest man to ever achieve the rank of "Colonel." Early on, I made some enduring friendships there, including my relationship with an inventive and charismatic gentleman from the distinguished Malaysian house of the Kyrano family. He had been recruited to assist the space program with the special preparation of food for use in outer space travel, his field of expertise. Those days long gone, Kyrano has remained a trusted friend and aide throughout the years. Later, while I was stationed at the Kennedy Space Center, I joined the ranks of the earliest travelers to the Moon, where I worked at setting up preliminary bases which would be used to support engineers and construction crews for the proposed moon base project.

Having thrived during my initial work on the Moon, I decided to transfer from the Air Force into the administrative Space Agency, which allowed me to be in more control of the lunar construction team's projects. While at the Space Agency, I met a lovely and talented young woman who later became my beloved wife, Lucille. Lucy and I were often separated for months at a time during my tours of duty in space, but I managed enough leave to begin a healthy family life. Unfortunately, my duties caused me to miss out on a great deal of the formative years of my sons Scott, Virgil and John. Gordon, our fourth son, was barely a year old when we lost my Lucy as she gave birth to our fifth child, Alan. I immediately resigned my commission and went about making a stable home for my boys, all the while setting up my new venture as a contractor for space construction projects. Luckily---or, more correctly, through hard work and effort---I was successful at both my home life and work ventures and have lived to see all of my sons rocket off into space, just as I did in my youth. It was to prevent other families from suffering the tragic, needless loss of a loved one that I retired and engaged my sons and our friends in what's become the core of International Rescue.

IR sash color: gold
Eyes: blue
Hair: gray
Age: 56
Birthday: Jan. 2

Our fearless leader!
More On IR:
Meet Scott Tracy
Meet Virgil Tracy
Meet John Tracy
Meet Gordon Tracy
Meet Alan Tracy
Meet Parker
Meet Lady Penelope
Meet Brains
Meet Tin-Tin
Meet Jeff Tracy
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My Info:
Jeff Tracy, IR Commander
Email: [email protected]

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