Sailor Jupiter

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Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Venus
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains

Sailor Jupter

Japanese Name: Kino Makoto
North American Name: Lita
Birthday: December 5, 1978
Blood Type: O+
Favorite colors: Pink and Green
Hobbies: Cooking, Bargain hunting
Favorite food: Cherry pie
Least favorite food: None
Favorite subject: Home economics
Least favorite subject: Physics
Dream: To own a bakery or flower shop

Attack Description
Jupiter Thunder Crash Jupiter's tiara gathers lightning which she hurls towards the enemy
Jupiter Thunderclap Zap (aka Sparkling Wide Pressure) Jupiter creates an orb of pure electrical energy and flings it at the enemy like a second-baseman completing a double play
Jupiter Thunder Dragon A dragon made up of electrical energy destroys the enemy
Jupiter Oak Revolution Super Sailor Jupiter's wood-elemental attack

Sailor JupiterSailor Jupiter is the strongest and most practical minded Scout, and is the fourth to join the team. In the episode "Jupiter Comes Thundering In", Serena is attacked by a monster from the Negaverse and Lita comes rushing in to save her. As she lifts the creature over her head, the sign of Jupiter appears on her forehead, and thus Luna realizes that Lita is Sailor Jupiter. Lita is an upbeat and agressive girl that lives alone because her parents died in a plane crash (hence Lita has a fear of flying). She likes to resolve conflicts by duking it out (she was kicked out of her old school for fighting). Lita is a very loyal friend to Serena despite the fact that the others often find fault with her. As Sailor Jupiter, she is as violent and dangerous as a supercell thunderstorm in the Great Plains. Of all the Sailor Scouts, Sailor Jupiter fights the most aggresively. Like Sailor Mars, her strength seems to increase as her rage builds, and we all know how deadly a combination rage and lightning can be. Sailor Jupiter's lightning-elemental attacks are graphically spectacular, and since I'm majoring in meteorology I definitely approve. Lightning can definitely strike the same place twice, and with a vengeance.

Sailor JupiterAlthough her lightning attacks are extremely impressive, Sailor Jupiter's mentality of fighting to resolve problems can lead to trouble, though they seldom do because she'll usually win the fight. I commend Sailor Jupiter for the amount of effort that she puts into her attacks. When the Doom and Gloom Girls ensnared her in "Day of Destiny", Sailor Jupiter struggled violently and unleashed an enormous Jupiter Thunder Crash, knocking everyone backwards. So her agressive menality is a double-edged sword: a pugnacious approach to minor disputes, but stalwart persistence in combat. Sailor Jupiter's courage cannot be matched. She single-handedly fought off a dangerous lion-like creature to save her friend Ken in one episode, and then proceeded to the hospital with him and donated blood. Lita's cooking leads to humor whenever Serena is around. The combination of an experienced cook and a klutzy pig in the kitchen always leads to fun.

Sailor Jupiter
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