Sailor Saturn

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Sailor Saturn
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Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains

Sailor Saturn

Japanese Name: Tomoe Hotaru
North American Name: Hotaru
Birthday: January 6, 1980
Blood type: AB
Favorite color: Purple
Hobbies: Reading, collecting lamps
Favorite food: Japanese noodles
Least favorite food: Milk (I know, it's a drink but you get the idea)
Favorite subject: World History
Worst subject: Physical education
Dream: To be a doctor

Attack Description
Silence Glaive Surprise Explosive power which is preceeded by a moment of complete silence
Silence Wall Sailor Saturn's defensive "attack"

Sailor SaturnHotaru is a very timid and shy girl who doesn't have many friends. She is Professor Tomoe's only child, and has been gifted with the ability to heal peoples' wounds. However, this power causes her classmates to ostrasize her; they find it unnatural and a bit disgusting. Hence, Hotaru spends most of her time in her father's mansion. As a tradeoff of her healing abilities, Sailor Saturn has a weak body and very little physical endurance (Maybe if she learned to like milk this wouldn't be a problem!). Sailor Saturn becomes possessed by the evil Mistress Nine and goes about trying to destroy all life on Earth (An evil Sailor Scout?! This oughta be good!). She wields the Silence Glaive, a powerful pole-arm that can slice through anything that gets in her way. Eventually, Sailor Saturn breaks free of Mistress Nine's control. However, in order to purge the evil that she let into the world, she dies. Hotaru is reborn as an infant and proceeds to live a more normal life afterwards.

I can't say much about my personal opinions of Sailor Saturn just yet as I have yet to see her in any Sailor Moon episodes (it's not my nature to be prejudice). I will say, however, that her Silence Glaive looks wicked cool (quoting Sailor Venus there), and those Saturn-shaped earrings are rather spiffy.

Sailor Saturn
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