Queen Beryl

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Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains

Queen Beryl

Queen Beryl is the leader of the Negaverse. In the beginning of the story, Beryl and Metallia (the Negaforce), along with a massive human army led by the four Dark Generals, decimate the Moon Kingdom. Not nice. Beryl's your basic head-honcho villain. She gives orders to her minions and just sits on her throne while they perform her evil tasks, moving her hands over her crystal ball so we all believe she's doing something important. But there's no fooling us, Beryl. You might as well be twiddling your fingers. And, like any other queen of the Negaverse would, Beryl punishes her minions when they've been naughty...wait a sec, they're always naughty, they're bad guys remember? Ok, she punishes them when they fail to complete their missions. Please note the purple boomerang Beryl wears on her forehad. Why? Because Sailor Buben and I think it looks cool.

Queen BerylLike a typical football coach, Beryl gives her Dark Generals several chances to redeem themselves after they've failed. But after awhile, this gets old, so she does away with them and has another Dark General take the failure's place. After Jadeite failed numerous times to get rid of the Sailor Scouts, Beryl banishes him to eternal slumber (kinda like permanently benching a quarterback). Neflyte takes Jadeite's position, but Beryl doesn't have to do away with him when he's been a bad boy; Zoisite does the job for her. So then Zoisite is in the driver's seat. But since she's disobedient, Beryl does away with her, and Malachite takes control. And of course, Sailor Moon kills Malachite, leaving only Beryl. And what does Beryl manage to do? She gets stabbed in the chest by Tuxedo Mask's rose. Now Beryl's on the hot seat. Queen Metallia, Beryl's superior (yes, it seems everyone has a superior), is most displeased with her failure. She absorbs Beryl's energy into her own collective (this isn't made clear in the North American cartoon), taking on a likeness that resembles Beryl, only many many times bigger (the technical term for this is "Big Beryl-Looking Metallia-Possessed Monstrosity"). BBLMPM confronts Sailor Moon for the final showdown, and the latter transforms into the Moon Princess. Then they go at it with the song Carry On playing in the background ("Here I'm standing in the night..." ok, better stop now before I really get out of control). But the Moon Princess prevails, for she calls upon the spirits of her fallen comrades (the other Sailor Scouts) for assistance. "Mercury Power! Mars Power! Jupiter Power! Venus Power! Cosmic Moon Power...UNITE!!!" "This can't be! NOOOOOOO!!!" So long BBLMPM, better luck next time.

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