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Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Venus
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains


Zoisite is the most annoying and underhanded Dark General. Out of jealousy, she has a hand in the death of Neflyte, whom I think was the coolest Dark General. Zoisite never gets involved in combat unless it's absoultely necessary; she'll just sit on the seat of her pants (in mid-air, mind you) and watch the action from a distance. When she does attack, she will shout "Zoi!" What is this, a new fad where a Dark General shouts the first part of their name when they attack? Can you imagine Neflyte shouting "Nef"? I think not. And the laugh, oh my goodness! Her laugh sounds like a broken machine gun! Now that that's all out of my system, I'll continue. Zoisite is the third Dark General to spring into action in the first season. She maintains a somewhat romantic relationship with Malachite, the fourth Dark General. Please note, however, that in the Japanese cartoon Zoisite is a man, but DIC decided to change Zoisite's gender for the North American cartoon (gee, I wonder why...). Zoisite's greatest weakness is that she acts on revenge.

ZoisiteQueen Beryl gives Zoisite the mission of gathering the seven Rainbow Crystals. When the crystals are extracted from their human carriers, the humans will revert to their Negaverse monster forms, for they were the seven Shadow Warriors in the Negaverse. More importantly, when the Rainbow Crystals combine, they form the Imperium Silver Crystal. Zoisite manages to get five of the seven crystals; the others she loses to Tuxedo Mask. He is usually the one that thwarts Zoisite's attempts to acquire the crystals, and thus Zoisite grows to hate him immensely (even more than she hates the Sailor Scouts). This hatred turns out to be Zoisite's undoing.

ZoisiteZoisite comes up with a plan to simultaneously acquire all seven crystals and obtain the chance to go at it with Tuxedo Mask. She invites him to the top of the Starlight Tower for a final conflict, the winner would receive all seven Rainbow Crystals. Tuxedo Mask accepts the challenge. Note that Beryl wants Tuxedo Mask alive so she can gain control of him later, so Zoisite is taking a great risk by fighting him. Darien and Serena are walking by the tower when suddenly they are drawn in against their will. As they ascend inside the elevator, Zoisite sends a wave of fire down the elevator shaft. She doesn't care if Beryl wants Tuxedo Mask alive; she wants to kill him. With no better choice, Serena transforms into Sailor Moon and stops the fire. When she confronts Zoisite, the Dark General tells her that it's Tuxedo Mask she's after, but Sailor Moon says that he's not there. This is when Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo Mask places his crystals on the floor before Zoisite, but then Malachite appears to "hold them while they fight". Then Zoisite and Tuxedo Mask go at it. Suddenly, as if predestined, the seven crystals disappear from Malachite's control and combine into the Imperium Silver Crystal on Sailor Moon's Crescent Wand. Sailor Moon then transforms into the Moon Princess. Peeved beyond belief, Zoisite attacks, but MP defeats her with Cosmic Moon Power. Defeated, Zoisite and Malachite return to the Negaverse to face Queen Beryl (they were, however, able to snag Tuxedo Mask). Enraged that Zoisite lost the Silver Crystal and disobeyed her by trying to kill Tuxedo Mask, Beryl strikes Zoisite down, and she dies soon afterwards.

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