Sailor Pluto

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Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon
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Sailor Venus
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Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains

Sailor Pluto

Japanese Name: Meiou Setsuna
North American Name: Trista
Birthday: October 29, 1974
Blood type: A
Favorite color: Dark red
Hobbies: Shopping, sewing
Favorite food: Green Tea
Least favorite food: Eggplant
Favorite subject: Physics
Worst subject: Music
Dream: To be a fashion designer

Attack Description
Dead Scream Sailor Pluto generates a sonic wave that paralyzes enemies and levels structures
Dark Dome Close The forbidden attack that causes time to stop. If Sailor Pluto were to use this, she would die.

Sailor PlutoSailor Pluto is the oldest and most powerful Sailor Scout. She first appears towards the end of the Sailor Moon R season, communicating to Reeny through Luna-P. In the R season, Sailor Pluto's sole mission was to guard the gate of time, a task invoving almost endless, uninterrupted solitude. She was so intent on forbidding intruders from entering the gate that she actually confronted and attacked Sailor Moon when she tried to approach it. Reeny, however, called her off. Setsuna is a very isolated individual and will not reveal herself unless absolutely necessary. As Sailor Pluto, she wields the Time Staff. In its head is the third Talisman, the Garnet Orb. With her temporal powers, Sailor Pluto is more powerful than any of the other Sailor Scouts.

Sailor Pluto is my favorite Scout of the Outer Senshi. Her isolationism and control over time, coupled with her mysterious nature make her one of the most fascinating characters in Sailor Moon. I am also very fond of her long, flowing, lime-green jello colored hair. Is it just a coincidence that the two coolest Sailor Scouts have the best hair? I think not. Last but certainly not least, Sailor Pluto has the most infatuating voice that I can only describe as being the equivalent of a female Obi-Wan. Unfortunately, she doesn't have the same voice in the dubbed Sailor Moon S season; you'll have to go back to the R season to hear it. Ever wonder why time always flows so smoothly? We all have Sailor Pluto to thank.

Sailor Pluto
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