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Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Venus
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains


MollyIn many TV shows there's at least one secondary character that livens things up a bit. In Sailor Moon, that character is definitely Molly. Molly is Serena's best friend and is often seen with her during the first season. Often, Molly will seem to come very close to discovering Serena's secret identity. Though she has no affiliation with the Sailor Scouts, Molly seems to be a favorite victim of agents of the Negaverse. Jadeite drains her energy, Neflyte possesses her, and Zoisite stalks her. Maybe it's her Long Island accent. Molly doesn't get worried about her friends, no, she gets "wuwwied about her fwiends". Molly's most important role in Sailor Moon is to bring out the good side of the Dark General Neflyte. Molly becomes infatuated with Neflyte's alter-ego Maxfield Stanton, who quickly notices her attachment to him. Eventually, Neflyte "trusts" Molly enough to reveal his true identity to her. The relationship between Molly and Neflyte simultaneously leads to the latter's conversion , at least in part, to righteousness, and to his demise. For more information about the Molly/Neflyte saga, refer to Neflyte's profile.

MollySailor Buben and I idolize Molly. Why? It's her Long Island accent! If you watched a Sailor Moon episode with a blindfold on, you'd be able to tell when Molly makes the scene. There's just no mistaking that voice. Her r's often become w's when she talks, as in "wuwwied", and she'll leave off the g in any "-ing" word: "You gawna quit eatin', Suwena?" And when she says "on", it comes out as "aun". I think they should make Molly a Sailor Scout. Sailor Molly would have the power of hurling I-495 signs at enemies, and as she hurls them she would say "Laung Island Expwessway!!" Maybe one of these days I'll get around to writing an English/Molliese dictionary. Sadly, Molly's role in the second season dissipates. I mean, wot's wong with a Laung Island girl in anime?

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