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Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Venus
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains


Malachite is the most powerful Dark General (that's why he gets to wear a cape and the others don't). While he is just as arrogant as the other generals, Malachite has the strongest hatred for the Sailor Scouts. The only one that he shows compassion for is his lover, Zoisite. Note that in the Japanese cartoon, Zoisite was a man but in the North American cartoon they made Zoisite a woman. I guess DIC thought a homosexual Dark General would be a teentz too kinky for the kiddies.

MalachiteIn the cartoon, we don't see much of Malachite until after Queen Beryl does away with Zoisite. While this is a great grievance for Malachite, he still remains loyal to Beryl (no one would dare mess with someone that wears a purple boomerang on her forehead). Malachite's mission is to obtain the Imperium Silver Crystal possessed by Sailor Moon. He is not alone in this mission. Since the Negaverse has brainwashed Tuxedo Mask by this time, he and Malachite work together to obtain the crystal, but they're by no means the dynamic duo, quite the contrary. Tuxedo Mask and Malachite are always bickering over strategy and such, and Malachite grows jealous of Tuxedo Mask, fearing that Tuxedo Mask will replace him at Beryl's side.

MalachiteThe Sailor Scouts confront Malachite for a final showdown in the episode "The Past Returns". He suddenly appears before them inside of a cave and attacks. Sailor Moon loses control of her Crescent Moon Wand (which holds the Imperium Silver Crystal), but before Malachite can grab it, the crystal reacts, sending the Scouts to the Moon Kingdom where Queen Serenity reveals the past to the five girls (the whole Moon Kingdom being trashed by Beryl and the Dark Generals thing, but we won't get into that here). Meanwhile, Luna and Artemis come upon a smoldering crater in the northern latitudes from which Negaverse energy emanates. As they return to warn the Scouts, Malachite appears and attacks the kittens who are "out without their mittens." When the Scouts return, Luna and Artemis have been brutalized by Malachite. Needless to say, they're a bit ticked off, but so is Malachite. He whips out a couple purple boomerang thingeys and sends them reeling at the Scouts, knocking them all down except for Sailor Moon, who activates the Imperium Silver Crystal via Cosmic Moon Power. This creates an aura of light around Sailor Moon. Bloodthirsty, Malachite vows that he will "not let this moon child defeat him". He forms a really large purple boomerang thingey and sends it Sailor Moon's way. But Sailor Moon uses her Crescent Wand to deflect the purple boomerang thingey (have you noticed yet that I love the term purple boomerang thingey?) back at Malachite. It strikes Malachite in the side, and he shouts in pain, "...Losing strength!" He then calls out to Zoisite, saying that he'll be joining her soon, and expires.

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