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Sailor Scouts
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Venus
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Saturn
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Sailor Pluto

Tuxedo Mask

Queen Beryl
Sailor Moon R Villains


Neflyte seems to be popular among female Sailor Moon fans (it must be the hair). As charming as he may seem, however, Neflyte is equally arrogant and overconfident. After Queen Beryl did away with Jadeite, she chose Neflyte to go to Earth and gather energy. On Earth, Neflyte poses as Maxfield Stanton, a millionaire that lives in a secluded mansion. Neflyte's alter-ego attracts the attention of lots of girls, especially Molly. More on this later.

NeflyteNeflyte is a stalwart believer in the astrological power of the stars. Unlike Jadeite, who tried to drain energy from multiple targets simultaneously, Neflyte prefers to seek out a single individual and drain their energy when the person has reached his or her maximum output potential. Neflyte consults the stars to find his next target, the individual that, according to the stars, is about to reach his or her maximum potential. Typical examples of such targets include young tennis players or cartoonists. Neflyte will track down the person and place his own personal seal on the object they use (tennis racquet, drawing pencil, etc.). When the person reaches his or her maximum potential, a Youma will be released from the seal and drain the target's energy. In combat, Neflyte will often summon creatures of the Zodiac to attack the Sailor Scouts, such as Leo the lion and the Gemini twins. Indeed, this Dark General certainly has a unique way of getting the job done. Zoisite often appears in his presence to talk trash ("What, are you planning to poison the Scouts with lemonade?") about how he's going to gather energy. Although at this point the interactions between Neflyte and Zoisite are mere gest, they become dangerous enemies in time.

NeflyteLike his predeccesor Jadeite, Neflyte's numerous attempts to gather energy are thwarted by Sailor Moon and company. Eventually, Neflyte abandons his mission to gather energy and turns his attention to finding the Imperium Silver Crystal, which he believes is the key to unleashing the Negaforce. Such a course of action was no doubt fueled by Neflyte's arrogance and his general tendency to be a maverick. Indeed, it was the Dark General's greatest error, for it was Zoisite who was to be the one to find the crystal (Dark Generals don't like it when other people try to do their job for them). Thus, Neflyte becomes an enemy of Zoisite. Meanwhile, Queen Beryl grows angry because Neflyte refused to answer her hails. It seems as if Sailor Moon and the Negaverse are against Neflyte.

As mentioned before, Molly becomes attached to Neflyte's identity Maxfield Stanton. The Star Crystal which he created reacts to Molly, which leads Neflyte to believe that the Imperium Silver Crystal is inside her body. However, when he holds the Star Crystal over Molly as she sleeps, Neflyte realizes that the Silver Crystal is not inside her body; rather it is Molly's strong feelings for Neflyte that cause the crystal to react to her. Sensing his presence, Molly awakens. Neflyte then lies to her, saying that Molly's love has convinced him to fight alongside Sailor Moon (NOT! He wants to kill Sailor Moon!). Molly says that she does not know Sailor Moon's identity, so Neflyte departs, though he does keep a watchful eye on Molly out of suspicion. As luck would have it, Molly runs into Serena and talks to her about her feelings for Neflyte. The Dark General waits for Molly to depart. Having a hunch that Serena could be Sailor Moon, Neflyte confronts her, forcing Serena to transform and reveal her true identiy. They're about to go at it when Neflyte hears Molly's cry for help and departs.

Neflyte discovers that Molly has been kidnapped by three Youmas working for Zoisite. They threaten to kill Molly unless Neflyte hands over the Star Crystal (the tool for finding the Imperium Silver Crystal). Enraged by the fact that he is being blackmailed and somewhat motivated by incomprehensible emotions towards Molly, Neflyte fights off the Youmas and rescues Molly. It is at this point that Molly and Nefyte finally have a meaningful conversation. Molly confesses that her dream is to have a chocolate parfait with Neflyte. Finally, Neflyte turns more light-hearted and suggests that they make that dream come true. No sooner does this happen than Zoisite's Youmas attack, goring Neflyte with a large thorn. Green blood spills everywhere (yummy).

NeflyteNow, Neflyte agrees to give them the Star Crystal (he kinda has no choice), and tells Molly to run. But Molly refuses to leave her love; indeed, she tries desperately to remove the large thorn from Neflyte's body. This incites another vicious attack by the Youmas, and Neflyte is again forced to protect Molly. An explosion results, and Neflyte loses possession of the Star Crystal, mortally wounded. Then Zoisite appears and seizes the crystal. Neflyte knows that his death is inevitable, and thus ensues the powerful final scene of the episode "A Friend in Wolf's Clothing". Click here (file size: 1194K) to listen to Neflyte's last moments. Neflyte turns to Sailor Moon and assures her that her identity will remain a secret. He then apologizes to Molly for lying to her and for the fact that they won't be able to have a chocolate parfait together. At this point Molly is devastated, and collapses over Neflyte in tears, as Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Mars look on. The Dark General then expires, his body becoming a flood of starry light that rises towards the heavens in the dawn sky. One wonders two things: First, was there some good in Neflyte after all, and second, could it be that Neflyte's greatest lie was that he was incapable of loving Molly?

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