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Check out blogs posted by Kristyn/The Girls on their Myspace page!!
March 30, 2009
Kristyn posts a brief message about her posting of 3 new songs available to listen to

March 17, 2009

Kristyn writes about the music business and offers a book slection she got from a fellow airplane passenger

December 31, 2008

Kristyn wonders where 2008 went and offers another book selection to read

December 20, 2008

Kristyn writes of her airline troubles and about the music business

October 30, 2008

Kristyn talks more about the importance of voting and the miniseries "John Adams"

October 19, 2008
Kristyn offers a book selection to read

October 10, 2008
Kristyn talks about voting and how she won't share her political views

October 2, 2008
Kristyn posts a quick note while watching the Vice Presidential debate

September 26, 2008

The girls write a quick update to address concerned Patchers on what happened to the Patch

July 30, 2008
Kristyn writes about experiencing her first earthquake and working in the studio

July 24, 2008
Kristyn writes about herself and her sisters being stumped on what to name the new album

June 30, 2008
Kristyn writes about the love for her couch

June 25, 2008
The first blog posted by one of the girls. Kristyn writes about the misunderstanding in the lyrics to "23 Days"
Click on each link for a .txt version of each blog
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