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  • Flower and Candy
    It's about the spirit of Valentine's Day, and some traditions Dumbledore keeps. I was grinning from beginning to end. It's very very sweet.

After The Rain

  • The Witness For The Defence
    Five years after the fall of Lord Voldemort, all of his old followers have been rounded up and killed or sentenced to life in Azkaban. All except one, who was found on a cold winter night with his throat torn out by a werewolf. Severus Snape is called before the Wizengamot to give testimony that may free his most despised colleague -- or send him to Azkaban for life.

Ariana Black

  • The Twelve Days of Christmas
    Lily suggest a truce but really...can Snape and the marauders get through chrismas without killing each other? It's quite sweet

Ayla Pascal | Website

  • Cloaks of Ice
    "He wraps himself up carefully, layer by layer, like putting on winter clothes. First the regret, then resentment, then self-loathing, then anger and finally, the outer cloak of frost"

  • Meddlesome Human
    "You had always known your prejudices. Against Mudbloods. Against half-breeds. Against children. But you thought you could overcome these prejudices. You thought you could be different. But you were wrong"

  • Twisted Loyalty
    "I am a Hufflepuff. I am hardworking. I am loyal. I am also awaiting trial for the murder of eight Aurors, five students and one Albus Dumbledore"


  • Staffroom Scheming
    It's the week after the Weasley twins left. You don't really think the staff just sat back and let Umbridge have her merry way do you? See what they really got up to...

Bernice Russell | Website: IIBNF Press

  • Out of The Bag
    Set in Severus' hogwarts years an amusing take of why he did so badly in Tranfiguration. Mcgonagall POV.

  • Real Potion Making
    Severus is a victim of a hilarius prank...well hilarious to us anyway. I don't think his professor appreciate it very much.


  • World's End
    Even the Dark Lord was amazed upon watching the effects of an atom bomb. The vast power displayed before him held a beauty so incredible, so horrifyingly marvellous, it made his chest hurt and his eyes water –as he wiped the moisture from his eyes, he realised with astonishment that he was crying.



  • Reality
    All is not what it seems. Written for maeglinyedi's "Your Worst Nightmare" challenge.


  • Winter Solstice
    Severus celebrates an anniversary just before Christmas. Illustrated. Bittersweet.

Dark Unicorn

  • Honour Thy Father And Mother
    After an incident at St. Mungo's, Neville takes responsibility for the care of his mother and father. A story of a son's love for his parents.

Dayse | Noble House

  • Simple Lost Things
    Snape suspects that Sirius's feelings towards Harry may not exactly be paternal.

dphearson | Livejournal

  • Hair
    One morning, Severus awoke, and looked at his pillow. Greasy with conditioners. And right then and there, he had enough. Simply enough.

  • ISP [Individual Savings Piglets]
    Saving could be fun. As Severus demonstrates.

  • Severus and Flossy
    A boy, a pig and an everlasting wound that will always be remembered. Very sweet and sad.

  • The Secret Ingredient
    Did Severus make the Wolfsbane potion during OOTP? If not, why not?

Dianann | Website: Idyllic Tendecies

  • Sanctuary
    A young man takes a trip on the Knight Bus one night, looking for redemption. NOT a happy fic.

Didokali | Website: Didokali's Lemonade Party

  • Teacher's Pet
    A cute depiction of an overused cliche plot. Featuring Hermione Granger, a 'Snake Rules' T-shirt and a Polar Bear animagus.

ellensmithee | Livejournal

  • Plantes Macabres
    For the Avenging!Neville challenge. The story is slightly unsettling but good all the same.


  • Quid Quid Latine
    Rowena and Helga discuss the school's motto and have some laugh

Elysia Snape

  • Grace
    Severus Snape has a secret place. A quiet place here he reflects upon his life. Descriptive and powerful this peice goes deeper into the meaning of Snape's life. Religious Themes.

E.M Snape

  • In Blood Only
    Snape is Harry's father. No one is happy to hear it.

Fabula Rasa | Website: Fabulae

  • First Snow
    Snape always knows when it is about to snow. Poignant. Powerful.

Fabula Rasa

  • Grievances Over Morning Tea
    Dumbledore calls a staff meeting, the cause for which is that Severus Snape needs help coming to terms and working past his anti-Gryffindor sentiment. It doesn't quite go that way, however...


  • Invisible
    How Snape left the Death Eaters, saved the Weasley twins, and delivered James Potter's Invisibility Cloak to Dumbledore.

  • Of A Sort
    A series of stories about the experience all Hogwarts students share: being Sorted into their houses on their first day at school.


  • Untitled
    Snape's childhood from hs mother's POV. Scarily heart-breaking. Written for maeglinyedi's "Your Worst Nightmare" Challenge


  • Blood Magic
    Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry safe, but his relatives are expendable. Blood magic was supposed to keep Harry looking like his adoptive father, but it's wearing off. Blood is a bond, but so is the memory of hate -- or love.

gmth | Website: GMTH

  • And Let You Go
    The Burrow is empty, even when it's full. Sad. Written for maeglinyedi's "Your Worst Nightmare" Challenge.

Gryffinjack & Seriously Serious

  • Gettin Away With Murder
    A very dark story of how, as Severus Snape prepares a potion, he looks back on his enemies, MWPP. If you are looking for fluff, this isn't it.

Hannelore | Skyehawke

Isis. Illustrated by Brevisse

Ivy Blossom

j.Valentine | Website: devilmonkey


  • The Severus He Saved
    According to the Wizarding World, Severus Dumbledore was murdered when he was four years old...but was he really?

  • What You Leave Behind WIP
    *Sequel to The Severus He Saved* Sabra Dumbledore has come to Hogwarts. Severus is less than thrilled to see his mother.

Jedi Boadicea

  • Acts of Necessity
    Severus' plumbing is shot to hell. The shower with Gilderoy isn't as irritating as it could be.

Jennifer-Oksana | Website: Jennifer Oksana's

  • Footnotes
    Hermione in the kitchens. Along comes Severus, who really has a knack for disturbing peace.


  • Apparently
    "Who in the world could ever see Severus Snape as a father figure?"

Josan | Website: Josan

  • Betrayals: A Story In Eight Parts
    Non-romantic SS/OC. Anyone who've read Josan's fics would not be in doubt over her excellent characterisation of even the most minor of characters. A healing story.

  • Once Upon A Time, In Egypt
    Again, superb characterisation and a wonderful storyline. It seems that Severus had enemies that wanted him to live a life worse than death. Fortunately, there are people who will help him. *wince* that really sucks. Anyway, it is really a droolworthy story that will want you to beg for more. or a sequel. *hint hint*

La Guera

  • Summon The Lambs to Slaughter
    When a disabled transfer student comes to Hogwarts, Severus Snape pushes her to the breaking point. Only he understands what she really needs. And when Snape is accused of a crime he did not commit, only she can prove his innocence. Will she put herself at risk for a man loved by none? Will he put aside his prejudice and anger? Or will their bitterness damn them both? Book One of a series.

Lady Demeter | Website:Out of The Ordinary

  • Melancholy
    Snape provides council to one of the older slytherins.

Lady Dien Alcyone | Website: Dien's Garden

  • Neville Longbottom and The Moment of Truth
    Neville discovers his spine, with a little unexpected help from Professor Snape. Set in fourth year, but doesn’t really have anything to do with GoF.

  • That's What Friends Are For WIP
    Snape's best friend shows up at Hogwarts. Yes, that's right, he HAS FRIENDS. Keep your smart-aleck comments to yourself! Good times ensue.

LB | Website: Lara's Fanfics

Liz Barr | Website: Mirror Dance dot net

  • Phantom Cruciatus
    He has eaten death, darkness and oblivion, and now there's only memory and madness. Snapefic.

Marina Frants | Website

  • A Small Truce
    In where Severus Snape threatens an owl, faces a moral quandary, and talks to a wall.


  • Scrabble
    The Slytherins takes Scrabble very seriously


  • Breaking Tradition
    When Harry Potter dies at the ripe old age of 107, an unlikely mourner comes to visit his grave. Humor.

Mystical Dragon

  • A Memory Found
    When a memory charm is lifted, Severus Snape slowly begins to heal from his past. This story plays on what ifs and what nots. Then there is the very cute side of Severus as he was reverted back to chilhood with Draco as his "big brother." And really...the Lestranges are not THAT bad.


  • Lens
    Snape is not a nice man. lens: A transparent material by means of which light rays are refracted so that they converge or diverge to form an image

Naya Snake

  • Blood Ties

    • Blood Ties
      Severitus with a twist. Harry's a vampire, Lily was a Dark witch, James was a bastard and Lucius breaks into Voldemort's office... And Snape doesn't want to reveal the truth! Naya's fanfics are all AU and is very fantasy-ish with lots of myths, legends and original chracters thrown in. Let's not forget the unique races/groups/powers that she created...

    • War in Our Veins
      The battle is over but the war has just begun. Voldemort strikes with full force and then revives another person - a Dark witch. Severus tries to help his son to deal with his emotions but he and Lucius get in serious trouble...

  • Dark Phoenix
    He's the Prince of Darkness, born to kill, and saves the New Light. Then the New Light saves him. Fate- or Doom, joining them- Slitherins and Gryffindors. Salazar's prediction. Power of Fire. The Past. The Future.Will they survive the encounter?

Nemesis | Website: The Bell Jar?

  • I Am Lord Voldemort
    Evil--even pure evil-- can stem even from hearts born innocent. A study of the transformation from child to tyrant, from good to evil, from fear to anger to hatred. Not for Slytherin-haters or those of weak constitutions.

Nomad | Website: Nomad's Realm

  • Conspiracy of Silence
    Severus Snape seven years in Hogwarts proved to be full of adventure, deceit, cunning plans with friendship thrown in the mix. Highly recommended.

Nym | Website: Amplexus

Penknife | Website: Penknife to Paper

PhantomTF | Website: Phantom's Fanfic Archive

  • Sticks and Stones
    Life as a double agent begins to take its toll on Snape. Can Harry really trust his most hated professor?

Rachael Sabotini | Website: Rachel Sabotini's House 'O Fanfic

  • Blurring The Lines Series

    • Night Music
      On the eve of the unnamed year, Snape contemplates the new term.

    • Shadows by Candlelight
      During the start of term banquet, Harry sees how everything has changed.

    • Standing Circle
      Harry and Snape spend some quality class time together.

Rage Point | Website: On Moonlight's Leash

  • No Shippers' Anthem
    This sprightly song was meant for the forum, but it begged expanding upon. So Rage Point presents, in all its excessively ridiculous but catchy glory, The No-Shippers' Anthem. Enjoy.

Raven Dragonclaw

  • Celestial Requiem
    Harry, much more cynical and worn from 5th year, wants to be heard without discrimination. He wants to learn how to deal with Voldemort on his own, being the best that he can be without conforming society's mold for him. Enter the writer, Harrison Evans

Rhoddlet | Website: Rhoddlet's Fnafiction

  • A Little Bit of Music
    Photography is a surprisingly popular hobby in magical families. One-shot. Percy.


  • Prejudice
    When several of the Slytherins refuse to obey Voldemort and look to Snape as their leader, they know things will be difficult. But with the remaining prejudice of their classmates, it seems they shouldn’t have bothered. But whoever heard of a Slytherin giving up? Draco Malfoy sure as hell isn’t. Mostly gen with a side dish of Snarry and Draco/Zabini


  • Dream Deferred
    Politics. Power. Lies. Love. Percy Weasley. What happens to a Dream Deferred?

Rowen Redford

  • Goyle Senior's CV
    Goyle senior is an illiterate thug. But he isn't going to that stop him joining the most exclusive (evil) club ever. Also includes Voldemort's thoughts on dress codes. Companion piece to Lucius Malfoy's Death Eater Application Form, and Severus Snape's Potions Master Application Form.

  • Lucius Malfoy's Death Eater Application Form
    Some brave soul has raided Voldemort's filing cabinet, and Lucius Malfoy's application to join the Death Eaters has been discovered. A fic for anyone considering a career as a minion of the Dark Lord

  • Severus Snape's Potions Master Application Form
    In this companion piece to Lucius Malfoy's Death Eater Application Form, Severus Snape is applying for a job at Hogwarts. And he's not best pleased about it.

  • So You Want To Be A Death Eater?
    Being a Death Eater can be a stressful career at the best of times. And so, Voldemort has produced this helpful guide to instruct novice minions. Includes Death Eater rules, dress code, and anthem. Be alarmed. Be very alarmed.

Severitus | Website: Idle Insanity

  • An Old Man's Meddling...
    It all starts when Harry misses the train, and his worst enemy has to take him home. Sometimes all it takes is truth to end hatred.....

  • The Christmas Gift
    Harry's in the Christmas spirit, and he's determined to spread the joy...even to Professor Snape.


  • Games of Skill and Chance
    The war is over and Severus Snape has one more term left to work at Hogwarts. How does he end up running the school games club and how will it affect him?

stellamaru | Website: Shiny New Thing

  • Fortunato
    Chilling. Scary. Voldemort has the perfect punishment for a traitor. Written for maeglinyedi's "Your Worst Nightmare" Challenge.


Suburban House Elf

  • Harry Potter and the Brotherhood of the Besotted
    The O.W.L. woes of Fifth Year begin in mid-February, when every student must complete the Potions Practical Assessment Task. Professor Snape is terrified, Hermione runs amok and Ron runs to the rescue. Meanwhile, Harry Potter writes some truly awful poetry. In Chapter 1 we attend the staff meeting that Severus Snape will regret forever.

Switchknife | Website: Weapon of Choice

t.a.g | Website: tag's library

  • House Cup
    Snape thinks Dumbledore made a big mistake at the Leavetaking Feast in _Philosopher's Stone_, and confronts him about it.

Tara Tory

  • Heart's Desire
    Snape is going to die if he doesn't get his heart's desire. Various folks try to save him

Textual Sphinx | Website: textual sphinx.fic

  • A Decoding of The Heart
    Well...I'm not sure whether it's a fic per say...but it is actually rather amusing and I absolutely love Severus here.

Treacle Tart

  • The Broom
    A truly chilling story. R.L Stine style with a magical twist

torch | Website: the flambeau factory

  • A Spirit of Brotherhood
    Snape, Lupin and Sirius discover that dark times - and Albus Dumbledore - make for unlikely alliances.



  • The Eulogy
    Harry Potters speaks a eulogy for Severus Snape. No need to be afraid of sentimentalism. Late post-Hogwarts story.



Femme Slash

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