Severus Snape/ Harry Potter

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Alchemia Dent & Bugland | Website: Intertexius

  • A Bittersweet Potion WIP
    Harry gains a special ability to become an animal, and as a cat gets adopted by Snape. Cliche? yes but it's wonderfully written. Go to their website to read since it consist of multiple parts.

Armand Malfoy | Website: Journal

  • Lachrymose
    Harry is an Auror sent to find an old enemy. He's in for more than he suspected when he realises that some things don't go down well with two thousand cups of coffee a day. Suspense/Mystery

Artemis Luna Diana | Website: Casper's Portal

  • Blood WIP
    Harry is swept away from Hogwarts and finds himself falling into a seductive darkness, yet all he really wants is to go home...

Aucta Sinistra | Livejournal

  • Beech Hall
    This time, Dumbledore sends Snape to Harry's manor for his own protection. Bitc...sorry...Beech Hall is simply utterly wicked in itself. Sinistra's fics features strong, slow build up to the actual romance.

  • Quid Pro Quo
    Harry's cursed, and he comes to Snape to ask for a cure. My favourite thing about this fic is its slow build up of Severus and Harry's relationship.

Cluegirl | Website: Cluegirl's Harry Potter Fics

Cybele | Website: Swish-n-Flick

Darth Stitch | Skyehawke Profile

  • As You Wish
    A slashy send-up/spoof of The Princess Bride featuring Harry Potter and Severus Snape. Guess who's the Bride? Humorous with several mention of Disney's well-known characters

debchan | Website

  • What He Wants
    Snape deals with Harry in the aftermath of OotP. Snape-angst and manipulative!Harry.

DementorDelta | Website: Serpensortia

  • An Awfully Odd Adventure
    A classis is defiled as Harry Potter is a lost boy and Severus Snape is a pirate captain. Hilariously funny though I felt that I shouldn't be reccing this

  • The Dreaming Spires
    Severus Snape gets on with his life after the war. He also uses wish-magic to wish himself into being a straight muggle who has no knowledge of magic whatsoever.

  • Parseltongue-Tied
    Harry makes friends with one of nature's shy creatures

  • Room For One More
    Valentine's Day Story.



  • Broken Bonds
    When Draco dies, the mind-bond that he and Harry shared breaks. Harry learns to live with the pain, and gains comfort from unlikely sources; Snape makes him complete again

Diana William | Website: Diana William's Fiction

Dianann | Website: Idyllic Tendecies

  • Aria
    Severus likes to play instruments, even when they're flesh colored Harry ones. Drabble.

  • Dark Chocolate
    Snape takes on Harry as an apprentice during Harry's seventh year. Is all as it seems?

Dragonlight | Website: Dark Cavens

  • After Curfew
    Due to some weird genetic/magical disorder, Harry doesn't need to sleep. Ever. That leaves him with a whole lot of time on his hands, and not all of it can be spent studying

Eat Your Deatheater | Website: Eat Your Deatheater!

  • Food for The Soul
    Severus needs more than food for his body. WARNING: chan, humiliation, non-con, mindfuck...

Eledhwen | Website: Stolen Visions

Emory Lee

  • Puzzle Pieces WIP
    A troublesome week in which Snape realizes there's something more to his relationship with Potter than he first thought. Trust me, you need to read this.

  • Seeing Through Walls WIP
    A simple case of lost and found turns into a trip of discovery and survival for Harry and Snape. Intriguing Prospect.


  • Six Feet Cold WIP
    After six years of self imposed exile in the muggle world, Harry returns to Hogwarts to teach at the request of Albus Dumbledore. The starting is somehow promising but it's still too early to see what will develop out of it


  • Down on Your Knees
    A dangerous curse and a wayward romance twist themselves into this story about love and mistakes

Femmeslash | Website: The Potion's Master's Office


  • Bliss
    Snape gives Harry a final exam in Potions.

Go Seaward

  • Mirror Magic
    Snape has a stalker who uses a mirror to communicate with him.


  • Loop In Time

    • Loop In Time
      Severus Snape must live the same day over again, until he gets it right. Is it because of a curse or a failed potion experiment

    • A Perfect Day for Harry
      Harry casts a curse upon Snape. Snape must repeat the day over and over again until he gets it right. Harry's POV

    • Payback
      Snape gets even with Harry for cursing him

Hanakai | Website: The Juggler's Revel

I Got Tired of Waiting | Website: A Turn of The Page

  • Hiding Under the Ninth Earth Saga

    • Tying Up Loose Ends
      Book 1: A loose Anthology of very short stories highlighting the genesis of the Muggle Wars

    • A Bit of All Right WIP
      Book 2: Harry has a secret--Severus has a few of his own--Can they reconcile and stay together? A romance about honesty and trust in 5 Parts

  • Bring Me To Life
    Funny and Sad--How's that? Continuation of Amireal's "Pledges". Severus and Harry's romance spanning over a century

Icarus | Website: Icarus' Slash Fiction

  • Primer to the Dark Arts Series

    • Primer to the Dark Arts
      Harry/SS, HP/RW. Harry is told he is to be given private (and secret) tutoring in the dark arts, to protect him next time he meets Voldemort. His teacher? Professor Snape

    • Snape Manor
      *sequel* Harry spends his summer doing magical repairs to the deadly Snape Manor, and finds a lot more than skeletons in Snape's closet. Features mad genius, odd inventions, a friendly sociopathic Death Eater - and a past that is best left buried.
    Side Stories for Primer of The Dark Arts

    • Your Friendly Neighborhood Death Eater
      Young Severus Snape is hunted by a Death Eater Lothario. This is for all of you who asked to learn more about Severus' old love, Torvald, a man who appeared briefly in the 'Primer to the Dark Arts.'

    • A Moment of Sin
      Severus Snape slips into the smarmy, sleazy part of Hogsmeade for a little illicit fun. Well he does deserve it, doesn't he? Unfortunately his date turns out to be a piece of work. Moral grey areas.

    • A Scandalous Interview
      A little blackmail goes a long way, or so the writer of an expose believes. But Harry has friends he doesn't expect.

    • Rare Scottish Snow
      Snow is rare in Scotland, and Harry insists Severus experience a bit of the great outdoors.

Isis. Illustrated by Brevisse

Jade | Website: Jaded

Jade Lee | Website:


  • Arose
    A rose can hold so many meanings...

Josan | Website: Josan

Juxian Tang | Website: Juxian Tang's Fiction

  • Fool's Night
    Valentine's Day---a day of sweet nothings, romance and love. Not so for Severus Snape. Every year on Valentine's, the aurors come for him and he receives a single card. Heart breaking in its description of Snape's feelings

  • Plight
    Once, Severus Snape turned down someone who was interested in him, in turn, he was afflicted by a particularly nasty curse. It's more serious than it sounds

Kai | Website: The Zone

  • Contemporary Magical Innovations, by H. Granger
    Harry and Severus stumbles across a new form of magic...using Snape's voice

  • Wabi-Sabi
    Wabi-sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete; it is a beauty of things modest and humble; it is a beauty of things unconventional.

Kass | Website: Slash/Scribblings

  • Clay
    In which the fight against You-Know-Who continues. And there is mysticism. I'm delightfully surprised when I stumbled into this fic. I read a long time ago and had forgotten all 'bout it. It's still good.


  • The Return of The Prodigal
    When Harry is tossed backwards in time through a magical accident, he has no choice but to return the hard way. One day at a time.

Lady Dien Alcyone | Website: Dien's Garden

  • Season of Healing WIP
    Circumstances lead Harry to stay with Snape for the summer before seventh year. YES, YOU'VE SEEN TRASHY VERSIONS OF THIS FIC. Give this one a chance.

Leone and Maxine

  • The Tides That Binds

    • The Tides That Binds
      Harry and Professor Snape needs to get married for Harry's protection. Well, that's what Dumbledore claims. This story is here on a trial basis, I've read the story before but unfortunately, had forgotten it. Does that makes sense?

    • Breaking Ties
      As Harry and Severus begin their life together things heat up around them. Voldemort is pissed; someone's going to die. but *who*?


Luthien | Website: Luthien's Library

  • Aftermath
    Harry comes back to Hogwarts the year after he finishes school. Ginny's view on this is refreshing


  • Coming to Terms
    At the end of his schooling, Harry challenges Snape to a fist fight, and things develop from there. It's not really romance up to now. The overall plot is very similar of those of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"


  • SSSlytherin
    Not meant to be taken seriously. Romance with humor. Oh...Sev is OOC

Mariner | Website: Marina's Homepage

  • Harry Potter and the Polka Dot Plague
    Potions are unpredictable, Polka Dots are evil and Severus Snape and Harry Potter are in quarantine together. Ah yes...Voldie discovers why surprises are bad


  • The Same Coin
    Harry Potter has returned to Hogwarts to teach. His injuries prompts him to ask Severus Snape for help.

Midnight Blue

  • The Mirror of Maybe WIP
    28-year old War Mage Harry Potter, is returned to his 16-year-old body as a student at Hogwarts.


  • Come to An End
    Tissue anyone? They lived (somewhat) happily ever after. Written for maeglinyedi's "Your Worst Nightmare" Challenge.

Minx | Website: Minx's Stories

  • A Good Buy
    The Gryffindors hold a slave auction. Guess who buys Harry?

  • For Services Rendered
    Harry has something Snape wants. They arrange a trade. Then things become complicated.

Musigneus | Livejournal


  • Vincit Omnia Veritas
    Harry discovers there is more going on in the dungeons at Hogwarts than he ever knew. Very very sweet romance

Obsessed One

  • Once More With Feeling's the cliched timeturner plot...with a twist. Amusing how Severus and Harry keeps living the same thing over and over and over again. You have to get the password from

  • Unsent Letter
    This is...unique to say the least. There is very little of sentimental sop and it was presented more like an argument...with a sentimental edge. The tone of the letter itself is quite distant as if the author is distancing himself. All in all, it was an enjoyable read.

    What would you say if I was to tell you that one of your students had fallen in love with you?

Resonant | Website: in medias Res

Rushlight | Website: The Bard's Den

  • Rite of Passage
    When Harry comes of age in the wizarding world, he has to find someone to aid him in the passage to adulthood.

  • Through a Shattered Mirror
    When Harry falls into the hands of the Death Eaters, he learns that life isn't as black-and-white as he'd once thought it to be.


  • A Time to Change
    Harry wishes he was never the Boy-Who-Lived and his wish is granted. Now he has to bear the consequences, namely sacrificing everything he has gained in order to save his world. He finds love along the way, but will it be snatched away from him just like everything else?



  • Sensitive
    In his latest confrontation with the Dark Lord, Harry ends up in the infirmary with a major problem no one completely understands and Snape is there to help him deal with it


  • Sleep of The Dead
    As The Great Battle comes to a closure, the survivors is left picking up the pieces

Shalott | Website:


  • Without Measure
    Harry and Remus ask Snape for help with an extremly personal problem. SS/HP/RL. Severus' feelings towards Remus is absolutely heart breaking. Be handy with the Kleenex


  • How They Worked
    Slow, tender and very very soft. Whatever that means. Harry and Snape finetune the working of their arrangement.

Sushi | Website: Dark Matter

  • Hush
    For three years, Harry Potter has been able to see, feel, hear, smell, taste, and think. Without motion or voice, though, those around him strain to give him what he needs.

  • The Consequences of a Weary Mind
    Harry Potter's writing skills are, in a word, unique. Professor Snape is about to learn this in a most unforgettable way. This is laughingly good fun. Not meant to be taken seriously. I'm torn btw putting it here or in the Restricted Section.

Switchknife | Website: Weapon of Choice

Tara Tory

  • Courting Snape
    Someone is courting Snape. What is Harry going to do about it?

  • Loving Potions
    Voldemort tries to get to Harry with a love potion. It backfires. Most of the action takes place at a potions conference

  • No Place Like
    Severus Snape gets to deal with one of the least magical places on earth when Voldemort's clever plan takes a wrong turn. Kansas, it turns out, handles magic pretty well.

  • The Definition of Stupid
    "You see before you a very stupid man"

  • Turn Around
    Fudge screws up. In only a few minutes, Snape will be dead, unless Hermione's idea works. Lucius is not going to like this solution to the problem!

  • Wicked Fairy
    Having to deal with the Dursleys one last time

Telanu | Website: The Rag and Bone Shop

  • The Tea Series

    • A Most Disqueting Tea
      Dumbledore has Snape in for a little chat.

    • Almost, At Times, The Fool
      Sequel to "A Most Disquieting Tea." Harry and Snape are acting awfully strange around each other.

    • Like A Glass
      Sequel to "Almost, At Times, The Fool." Harry has a vision that indicates Snape may be in mortal danger. What will he do?

    • Corresponding
      Sequel to "Like A Glass," or, What Harry Did On His Summer Vacation. Short.

    • A Wizard Song
      The novel-length sequel to "Corresponding," and the fifth (but not the final!) installment of the Tea series.

  • In November
    There is only so much one man can take. After a debilitating loss, Snape makes the only choice he feels he can

Thamiris | Website: Odyssey and Ecstasy

  • Dragon-Blind
    Harry wants Snape to be kinder, but Snape obliges on his own terms. Set during PoA

Theresa Ann Wymer

  • Clipped Wings
    Auction, Snape's for sale. Harry buys him. Angsty. The muggles has discovered the Wizarding World and Harry deals with survivor guilt

Tira Nog

  • A Nick in Time
    Voldemort and Dumbledore is dead for several years but Severus is not a happy man. That is until a certain someone meddles... A very heartwarming story of a cliched 'Severus got turned back into a child' plot.

Titti | Website: Titti's Realm

  • Scheming Slytherin
    Albus convinced Draco to help him get Harry and Severus together. The two are not too happy with Draco's plan.


  • Three Months
    Harry is dead. Then he isn't. Snape struggles to cope.


  • Pale Green
    Snape doesn't give Harry a detention, which leaves Harry with a strange taste in his mouth


  • Missing
    After being wrongly accused of betraying the Order, Severus tries to pick up the pieces of his life, and to find what's been missing.



  • Payment Due
    Snape's allegiance and loyalty to the order comes at a price. Harry's about to learn what the price entails

Zillah | Website: Generic's Harry Potter Page

  • Dame Lo Que Das
    Twelve years into the war, in an effort to dissuade people from joining Voldemort, the Ministry has began to execute captured Death Eaters. Snape must say goodbye to one particular Death Eater - his sister.



Femme Slash

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