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Ajes Blue

  • In This World of Strangers
    Percy/Oliver. Percy has tea with an old blind woman, a breakdown in a cemetary, and makes plans to visit his brother the Dragon tamer.


  • Rocking Chair
    Albus/Harry. Albus gives into the temptation to touch what he considers his own. WARNING: Chan, kink, non-con

Icarus | Website: Icarus' Slash Fiction

  • Skinny Dipping
    Harry/Percy. Some rules are repealed by night, while the water has its own mystery. Harry takes a midnight swim and leaves behind his identity, and someone else does the same.

  • Christmas Lilies
    Harry/Percy. Sequel to Skinny Dipping. Harry and Percy has an inside joke.

lcsbanana | Website: L.C banana

  • The Glory of The Hummingbird
    Peter/Remus. In an event where we just might gain an insight on why *he* betrayed *them* and why they didn't notice. Link Broken


  • In A Time Of Uncertainty
    Percy/Oliver. Years ago they longed for each other, but neither one was willing to live with the consequences. Now, after Voldemort's return, Oliver is recruiting wizards to fight against the Dark Lord and Percy is estranged from his family. Hesitant and apprehensive, they decide to try to be a couple.

Mousapelli | Website: Dazzler's Domain

  • Third Party Loyalties
    Percy/Draco. Percy's so gullible it's funny. It takes Draco to "educate" him. Better than my sucky summary sounds.

Setissma | Skyehawke

  • Endymion
    Percy/Lucius. One hell of a story. The plot, characterisation and smut comes perfectly together and it's not even angsty! *goggles*

Switchknife | Website: Weapon of Choice

  • Hallow's Eve
    JP/PP. James Potter wasn't executed immediately on that fateful night. Hallow's Eve, 1981, after the successful assassination of Lily and Harry Potter.

Zortified [James Walkswithwind] and Mad Poetess

  • Price of Wisdom
    Implied Percy/Various. Percy has a secret. What will happen when he has to reveal it to save his brother?


Illuferret | Website: Fanfiction by Illuferret

  • Tale of The Shining Prince

    • The Tale of The Shining Prince
      HP/DM. Draco and the world. Not the best possible of relationships: parents, teachers, friends and hopefully a lover

    • A Thousand Nights and One
      Ten years after and everything changes. Reality is lost between hopes, dreams and illusions

    • The Simple Things
      "And then I think about the simple things we said, the things we promised never to forget." The spirit of this song lies within the story

    • Orpheus in Motion
      World without end

ZS | Skyehawke

  • Open Doors
    Harry Potter is dead. Or is he? Sweet without being angsty. Slightly humorous too.


  • A Slytherin in Gryffindor's Clothings
    DM/HP. Draco hits his head and wakes to find himself in another world where he's a Gryffindor and Harry Potter is a Slytherin. Give it a try. No really. Read it.


  • Your Every Wish
    DM/HP. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Nope | Website: Nopespace

Resonant | Website: in medias res

  • Transfiguration
    DM/HP. Still the same old cynical, bastard Draco and Harry's still the same old biased Gryffindor. The old enemies worked together to demine Hogwarts. The price is high and Snape's now a statue with the wrong type of cauldron


Delphi | Website: Singing the Body Electric

  • Last to Know
    Albus fell in love in the blink of an eye, after a year of slow descent. No one is surprised.

Diana William | Website: Diana William's Fiction

  • Wishes and Dreams Arc

    • Make A Wish
      Snape receives the gift of a wish, and decides to use that wish to give a special gift to his lover.

    • The Nature of Wishes
      Snape thinks about the nature of wishes, selfish and otherwise.

    • Third Time's The Charm
      A little persistence can be a *good* thing, particularly if you're aiming for a person's heart. Back Story.

    • Bonds and Other Knotty Problems
      Dumbledore and Snape share a bond, but do they both have the same idea about what that means?

    • Wish A-Hoy
      Snape reluctantly agrees to Dumbledore's pirate fantasy wish - and finds it more interesting than he had first thought

    • Elementary Wishes, My Dear Albus
      The game's afoot, with Snape and Dumbledore right in the thick of things. One of the best Holmes fic I've ever read.

    • You Only Wish Twice
      Wizarding Britain's most formidable spy goes into action, but can he resist the wiles of Dr. V's most seductive henchman?

Josan | Website: Josan

  • Forever
    Death has been a luxury denied to Severus Snape by his master and tormentor, Lord Voldemort, but now has he managed to obtain this small measure of happiness at last?


  • The Day Thou Gavest
    After the war...Very charming and subtle. Surprise ending. I'm sorry Severus, but I cannot help it. There are days when I truly hate you.

srichard | Website: Sophie's Smuttish Syntax

  • As A Child
    Albus finally agrees to take Severus beyond his limits. Written for nqdonne's Toys Challenge.

  • His Own Desires
    It is one thing to see inside someone's mind, another to understand it. Heartbreaking for the fact that Snape cannot vocalise what he really wants to Dumbledore. Not for kiddies. Dubious consent.


Amanuensis | Webpage: Despoiling Harry

  • As Sharp As Sunlight
    Sirius, Harry and Hermione is captured and treated as breeding mares. Moral ambiguity abounds. Absolutely wonderful

Josan | Website: Josan

  • Resolution
    Josan's fics are always excellent. I wouldn't expect less on this one


  • Erratum
    Snape is featured as the Bachelor of the Month in Witch Weekly

Sparrowhawk | Website: Sparrowhawk's Place


  • Shade More Than A Man
    Set six years after the Goblet of Fire, and almost a year after Voldemort has been defeated. How has the wizarding society changed as the aftermath of the war? How are people coping with the world around them, and with the past? Why are Sirius Black and Severus Snape sleeping in one, four poster bed?


Bernice Russell | Website: IIBNF Press

  • Care of Magical Creatures Saga

    • Care of Magical Creatures
      Uh...What??? Hagrid is seducing Snape???? The Whole series is light hearted and fun to read.

    • Hasn't it Funny
      The Morning After and Consequences

    • Beggars May Ride
      Cautious Snape sleeps with his wand under his pillow, with unforeseen consequences. Everyone is seeing Snape just as Hagrid has always seen him

    • Blessed Peace
      Do Snape really wants silence? I don't think so...


  • Pragmatic Magics
    Severus Snape decides he wants a partner. He is a practical man and he knows what he wants


Out There

  • There to See
    Close observation can reveal surprising things


  • Moonshine
    Snape's experience with Hagrid's liquor proved to be delightful in its effects


  • Broad Shoulders
    "There was only one place Severus Snape could go, when it was this bad. Only one place that he felt safe, and it wasn't Dumbledore's office."

  • Services Rendered
    Severus misunderstood the form in which he was supposed to repay Hagrid


Switchknife | Website: Weapon of Choice

  • A Matter of Convenience
    Severus Snape interrupts Rubeus Hagrid at a most inopportune time. Humorous pre-slash written for the lover of all things Snagrid

  • The Visitor
    Some things just don't change...a ritual between Rubeus and Severus



daylight_shadow | Website: Tangible Imagination

  • Assurance
    Draco needs assurance that Severus is still with him. Lovely, gentle and very very sweet. Beautiful.

Laylah | Website: Taking Undue Liberties


Ailei | Website: Ecclesiastic Skin

  • Firefly
    SS/Ollivander. Sometimes the smallest kindnesses break us more thoroughly than the cruelest tortures.


Delphi | Website

  • Blind, Deaf and Dumb
    SS/Filch. Sad and sweet with impeccable characterization. Filch and Snape stays perfectly in character...okay maybe not Snape, I can't really imagine him being that insecure and boyish but it's very sweet all the same. This are the kind of fic that is quiet and to be savored slowly

ElfFlame | Livejournal

  • Tarnished Silver
    SS/OC. Draco goes to visit his favorite teacher from Hogwarts two years after his final year. Warning Slash, mentions of non-con & chan, and incestuous thoughts.

Erin Lacroix

  • Object Lesson
    SS/Voldemort. Interesting interaction between Voldie and Severus, their relationship is presented in an unique light which is quite different from what we usually read. Complex.

JayKay | Website: Chocolate Frog

  • Mortal Coil
    SS/Bloody Baron. The Bloody Baron can't figure out how to terrify a particular someone, and he wants to know why.

Josan | Website: Josan

  • A Gift Of Light
    SS/OC. Josan doesn't seem to be very fond of Dumbledore. Severus' characterization and emotions are very real as he fights to keep and accept his child that was left. Did I mention that he is in a relationship?

  • Loving Bonds
    *sequel to A Gift of Light*

  • Betrayals: A Story In Eight Parts
    SS/OC. Not really a pairing. Severus is betrayed by those that should have helped him. Fortunate for him that Black is willing to take him in. Nonono not THAT Black the OTHER Black

Josan and Kai

  • A Matter of Trust
    Severus/Kingsley. Shortly after the events in Goblet of Fire, several new members join the Order. One of them takes an unusual interest in Severus, but to what end?

Julad | Website: ambivalentpleasures

  • Night-blooming Heartsease
    Snape/Neville. Prequel to Transfiguration by Resonant.Then George raised his glass. "To Neville Longbottom," he said ... "And to Severus Snape, may he rest in whatever he prefers instead of peace."

Lady Dien Alcyone | Website: Dien's Garden

  • By This, And This Only
    Severus/Kingsley. Kingsley Shacklebolt wasn't at the Hogwarts Express to wish Harry a happy summer with the rest of the Order. Why?

Minerva Mctabby

  • The Head of Slytherin
    SS/Crabbe/Goyle with Malfoy watching. Surprisingly funny and not as revolting as it sounds

Rhoddlet | Website: Rhoddlet's Fanfiction

  • The Empire of Light
    past SS/LM. Glass, rope, light. It does not do well to underestimate a Snape.


  • Temptation
    SS/NL. A piece of light hearted fanfic on Snape when he started to develop a fascination for one of his students


  • Wear My Face
    SS/LM. Severus Snape is besotted with Lucius Malfoy. Lucius wants Sirius Black. Enter Polyjuice.

Seeker | Website:Brenda Antrim's Fan Fiction Archive

  • Dark Beauty
    Snape/Sir Cadogan. What does a portrait see that others might miss?

  • Potio
    Snape/Lockhart. Lockhart finds out who he is, and Snape picks up the pieces.

  • Hard Bargain
    Snape/James. The faeries drive a hard Snape finds out.


  • Weakness and Power
    Snape/Quirrell. After the events of PS/SS Snape reflects on Professor Quirrell. Some mild S/Q slash, Snape POV. This fic made me alternately detest and symphatise with Severus. Not for those of weak constitution.



Femme Slash

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