Severus Snape/ Remus Lupin

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  • Perdition
    A glimpse into Snape's time at Hogwarts and the factors that shaped him. Not a direct link. Not suitable for the squeamish. Very dark piece of fiction, according to the author.

Arionrhod | Website: Caer Arhionrhod

Auror Borealis

  • Animal Attraction
    After Voldemort learns he is a spy, Snape needs another way to monitor Death Eater activity. A light hearted fic.

Dianann | Website: Idyllic Tendecies

  • The Red Journal
    Sirius finds out that Snape comes up to the dorms for hot lovin’, and goes off the deep end. Set in the Marauders time period.

Fluffyllama | Website: Fleash and Beyond

  • Of Mortal Bondage
    The Ministry has tightened up the regulations on werewolves and Remus finds himself the property of one Severus Snape. A twist at the end.

Helen | Website: Helenish.Net

  • Third Time's The Charm
    After a year of unexpected and ugly deaths, Muggle and otherwise, the reinstatement of the Hogsmeade curfew, and a good deal of unsettling intelligence, it had been obvious that no one would much notice Dumbledore rehiring a slightly battered werewolf.

JayKay | Website: Chocolate Frog

  • Prime of Life
    As his 40th birthday approaches, Remus takes stock of his life and decides it's time to make some changes.

  • More Than Words
    Severus finds an alternate means of expressing his affection.

  • Spark
    After 10 years together, their relationship has fallen into a rut, and Remus decides to see if he can rekindle the spark.

La Enamorada

  • Heal Thyself
    Can be taken as Pre-Slash...or not. After a long long while, Lupin and Severus both gets what they want.

Lady Demeter | Website:Out of The Ordinary

  • Trostung
    The story of young Severus as seen by a portrait.

LB | Website:Lara's Fanfics

  • Hogwarts Puny Love Love
    Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest Scenario #156: Show Snape dealing with technology outside of Hogwarts. *gasp for breath* hilarious *dissolve into laughter again*

Louis Lux | Website:Lux Fanfiction

  • Time Under Glass
    Snape tries to cure Lupin's lycanthropy, but he treats Remus more like an experiment than a human being. Perhaps his denial of the werewolf's humanity is also a denial of his own... [rec summary taken from Switchknife]


  • Unexpectation
    Snape has kept a diary under lock and hex all these years. Someone reads it.


  • Side Effects
    AU, slight humor? Remus surrenders to his wolf-side.

Ratwoman | Website: Ratwoman

  • Brave New World
    The side of light has won, but because the Dementors have joined Voldemort's side, there is no Azkaban anymore. The "solution": enslavement of the dark wizards. I particularly adore the Shakespeare dialogue that was in the story


  • Ave Ignis
    An illness/injury drives Snape into despair, and his methods of self-treatment become increasingly desperate and dangerous

Rochelle | Website: Heaven and Earth

  • Dying of the Light
    Young Severus, a prodigy with an interest in the dark arts, would never more than a trophy for his parents to show off. Then, he went to Hogwarts. Follow this remarkable young man's journey into the man as he is today. Has found the author but author has taken down the story.

Rowen_r | Website: Paper Cuts



  • Conspiracy Theory
    When Albus Dumbledore decides to play matchmaker, Severus and Remus decide to resist... together.

Switchknife | Website: Weapon of Choice

The Treacle Tart

  • Give or Take a Century
    Pre-slash? Sometimes it's just better not to ask the questions in the first place.

  • Painless
    In the quiet of the infirmary, to ears that could not hear his words, Severus Snape remembers.

  • The Nine Lives of Severus Snape
    Severus goes exploring in his new animagus form and finds more than he bargained for.

Zillah | Website: Noblehouse

  • An Ordinary World
    The Muggle world has become the last refuge for witches and wizards. When Severus Snape finds himself in need, he finds his way to Remus Lupin's doorstep.



Femme Slash

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Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

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Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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