February, 2004

Note from the girls:

Sorry guys, we know that we have been slacking lately with our updates. Yes, we're still alive (and so is this site!). The site is pretty much complete now, which is one reason. However, this month, there have been a few small changes. Hey, at least it's something, right?  ;-)

New Column:
If you look at the menu to the left, you will see a whole new added column called "Animated Films". There are only three listed right now, but we will definitly have more coming up soon! All animated films were written and directed by us, but they were created through a site called
DFILM.com, where you can also make your own animated films as well. Each film is really short, and only three scenes long. Two of the films were originally skits: Anti-Miss Cleo (read the skit here), and Nicolette, taken from the skit: Nicolette: Cigarette Medicine. We couldn't add every line into the film, since film time is limited, so you have to read the skits to know how the whole thing goes. The other one, called Star Trek Valentine, was not originally a skit. As a matter of fact, we came up with all the lines right on the spot as we were making it. Anyway, in this film, we made fun of Star Trek and Valentine's Day. Enjoy!

December, 2003

Note from the girls
Sorry guys, we know that we have been slacking lately with our updates. Yes, we're still alive (and so is this site!). The site is pretty much complete now, which is one reason. However, this month, there have been a few small changes. Hey, at least it something, right?  ;-)

New sister site:

Penny Lane Caf�
is now officially our new sister site. It's a Beatles site also created by yours truly. It's not complete yet, but feel free to browse by it anyway! You have our permission.

New church bulletin:

We finally had one spotted from out-of-state (to us, anyway). this bulletin was spotted by Chris McIntosh (and permisson from
Lissa) in Loudon, Tenessee. We also have a graphic, which you can view here. Enjoy!

The Macca Skit:

Macca-Roni & Cheese
has been elaborated at last! We decided it was too short, so we made it longer for your enjoyment. Check it out!

September, 2003

Farting Onto You:

The second paragraph of the song parody
Farting Onto You has been worked on. It wasn't really funny before, so we tried to make it a little more accurate to the real lyrics. Enjoy!

Site Fix-Ups:

We have added some more new graphics to the site! We've added two new graphics for
Macca-Roni & Cheese, Previous Layouts (NEW!), and two new graphics on the Main Page. Under the menu, we added our own special "barcode" (also seen on in here), and on the very bottom of the Main Page, we added our own special "site rating".

New Junk:

We added a whole new page just dedicated to our
Previous Layouts. So feel free to browse through and pick yer favorite. Don't forget to click on the images to get a closer view.

New Church Bulletin:

"Take 'The Jesus Diet'!" Spotted at a community church in Uptown Whittier, California. You can also view it in
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Note: This site will be updated once a month. Any new feature added in the menu will be in red.
Alanis: The Lost Empire
Anti-Miss Cleo
Baby, by Whitney Houston
Bond: The New CD
Celine Dion's Barbie Set
Fat Fast
Gap Jeans
Jamie & Jessie
Jamie & Jessie II
Jamie & Jessie III
Macca-Roni & Cheese
Nicolette: Cigarette Medicine
Southwest Airlines
The 1998 Diva's Live Concert
The Divas Are Back
The Electric Butt Warmer
Xena: The Series Finale

Farting Onto You
I Need
I Swear
Papa Came Home
Shaving Cream?

Anti-Miss Cleo
Star Trek Valentine

Links We Love
Link to Us!
Previous Layouts
Spotted on Church Bulletins
Who Are We?
Did she just fart?
"Take 'The Jesus Diet'!"
Jamie & Jessie's Previous Layouts
"Pray for a good harvest, but keep on hoeing."
Be sure to bring popcorn!
Sorry, yo
"I've got the blu-u-u-u-ues!"
Sorry, yo
Be sure to bring popcorn!
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