Who ate the Flying Chair?, tiddles, my ratings, me, Graffiti, Manga, Computer Games, deep stuff,
word of the week, other stuff, downloads, links.


of the site, obviously...

25-04-00: The original site was uploaded


If that link has been deleted, try here.

That was the first site I ever made... well, I didn't actually make it to be honest. Basically, I felt like I had a load of ideas, and indeed I did. I asked a guy if he could upload the stuff if I wrote it all out for him (it was just black and white text) and gave him some stuff. The deal was that he'd continue to update it once a week for a year. However, I feel that he basically screwed me over, and even though I wrote out a load more shit and dictated it to him, he never uploaded any more than what you see here.


After that, I promised myself that when I came to uni, I would upload a website immediately, but unfortunately, this didn't happen. I just didn't know how to upload something. Basically, I was a spaz.


16-02-02: Uploaded to Geocities.com

Then, during the 2nd half of the 2nd year, I had to create a website as part of a module. This gave me a brilliant incentive to pilfer Dreamweaver, upload a load of pages to Geocities and even join the NG Fan Net. However, Geocities didn't seem to support Flash. Which is pretty rubbish.

After a few days, all the flash stuff suddenly started working again. Maybe Geocities had had a problem that weekend or something...

I then just basically started chucking on a load of stuff, which I'm still doing...

03-03-02: started the manga section

I like manga and I also like reviewing stuff. So it was pretty much a given that I'd start an archive of manga reviews. It's not the best archive ever, but I like to think that it's good enough to be useful to some.

Of course, like the rest of the site, it'll have a going over come the summer.

10-03-02: started the Snes section

My favourite console, even now, is the Snes. Granted, the graphics aren't the best ever by today's standards, but there are some pretty excellent games and they tend to be pretty cheap - always a good thing. ;)

As with the rest of the site, this isn't the best ever just now, but... it'll be improving. And come the summer, it'll be given a going over.

17-03-02: played an early April Fool's Joke

Okay, maybe calling it an early April Fool's joke was a bit much. But I said I would use the word 'pejorative as the word of the week, and I didn't. To be honest, this was an incidental thing - when the next week came around, I couldn't be bothered doing much stuff, and used 'apathy' to describe my mood.

??-03-02: uploaded Skears

I initially made the game to be a shoot 'em up, but soon it evolved into something a bit different. I was really pleased with the response it got. When I uploaded it to Newgrounds and Texas Mafia, I recieved nearly 30 nice reviews that showed that the reviewers enjoyed the game, and 2 which didn't. Also, on a mildly interesting side note, I have been accused of stealing the game by a couple of idiots on Newgrounds. Click here to see.

09-04-02: did various stuff.

I checked through the entire site this evening/night/morning (starting 09-04-02, finishing 10-04-02).

I added 'T-o-P' buttons to a few pages in the manga section that didn't have them, corrected spelling, corrected some of the word of the week links and changed a few other minor details.

I also started the 'poetic stuff' page, which I started with some tanka and a thing I wrote during a maths exam.

Lastly, I added a 'corrections' bit to the snes section. Hopefully this'll grow in the same way as the rest of the site seems to be doing.

30-06-02: came back.

After a wee absence due to exams and coursework, I returned to the site. Wrote up a bit more deep stuff and changed the snes reviews to the 'new' format. (Objective description, followed by score, followed by my opinion, followed by summary.) I uploaded this stuff, along with an incomplete version of Skears 2, the following weekend as some of it took longer than just the 1 night.

05-08-02: over 1000 hits

Not much of a news thing, but the hit total according to Geocities' statistics was now over 1000. However, the number of hits on the main page was far less.


And that brings us to the present.







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