Are you lost?

Well, here's where you find things. Every significant thing (and not a few insignificant things... did I spell that right?) is here.

Sign my guestbook The place to go to tell me what you think of all this.

SPark's Adoptions Where you can dopt a SPark dragon, unicorn or other creature.

The Purple Dragon's Art hoard A collection of my original artwork.

Personal Art Hoard A collection of self-portraits and not-for-copying pictures

The art of The Dragon Queen Pictures from my novel in progress.

Awards that I've been given The place where I put all my awards I have received.

The complete list. You are already here, what more need I say? BookstoreWhere I tell you what books I like, and you, nice person that you are, buy them from me.

David and Leigh Eddings A page from my bookstore featuring books by David and Leigh Eddings.

Alan Dean Foster A page featuring books by Alan Dean Foster.

Terry Pratchett A page featuring books by, you guessed it, Terry Pratchett.

Life in a cage A short story, or possibly poem that is truly weird.

The Dragon Friendy awards The award that I give out for artistic excellence in web design, as well as two ceritfications, for a hatchling safe, and a dragon friendly site.

Thanks for applying The page where it sends you after you have filled out a form to apply for any of my awards or certifications.

My guestbook Where you can see who has been here and what they thought of all this.

Corinthar's hoard The treaure hoard of Corinthar, one of my adopted dragons.

Larina's hoard The treasure hoard of Larina, another of my dragons.

Coiler's hoard The treause horad of the dragon Coiler.

Dragon hoards Index page for all my dragons' hoards.

Vulcnor's hoard The treasure hoard of vulcnor and his family.

The Mongol Horde A silly bit of nonsense about Mongol hordes that originated in a mis-spelling of the word hoard.

Entryway The first thing you see when visiting my page, unless you use a bookmark. Odds are, you've seen it already.

Notes on the dragonish tongue An apendix to my novel, it lists correct pronunciation for those wishing to try to speak dragonish words.

Friend and family links Links to the hompages of my friends and family on the net.

RPG links links to various RPG related sites that I have found interesting.

Assorted silly things Links to sites that I thought were worth a laugh or two.

Artist and Authors Links to artists and authors on the web.

The Dragon Queen The index of my novel in progress.

Prologue The prologue to my novel.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 5 Chapter 5 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 6 Chapter 6 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 7 Chapter 7 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter8 Chapter 8 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 9 Chapter 9 of the Dragon Queen.

Chapter 10 Chapter 10 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 11 Chapter 11 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 12 Chapter 12 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 13 part one Chapter 13 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 13 part two Part two of Ch. 13

Chapter 14 part one Chapter 14 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 14 part two. Part two of Ch. 14

Chapter 15 Chapter 15 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 16 Chapter 16 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 17 Chapter 17 of The Dragon Queen.

Chapter 18 Chapter 18 of The Dragon Queen.

The latest chapter!
Chapter 19 Chapter 19 of The Dragon Queen

Flame Song's Tail, er Tale The story of the firecat were-human Flame Song. (In teh world of The Dragon Queen)

All bout me! (he he he) What is the author of this maddness like in real life?

SPark's Multiple Personality Zone The main page. You have to have visited it sometime in order to have made it here.

The Lair of the Purple Dragon Home of my purple reptilian persona.

Bladespark Trethoniel's forest house Home of my Elvish self.

My cyber pets My home for poor homeless cyber-creatures. I only adopt the best, and the place is crawling with dragons.

The Dragons Cavern The new home of all those afore-mentioned cyber dragons.

Fantasy Forest The home of all my other fantasy pets.

The Barnyard Where I keep my more normal pets.

Special Pets The hatchery for my eggs, and where my exclusive pets and my new pets go.

Rings and Guilds Where I put all my rings and guilds. Sort of self-explanatory.

Serious Stories Where I express my spiritual and inspirational feelings in print.

The Castle Gate My first, but no longer only, inspirational story.

The Parable of the Bicycle My second inspirational story, taken from a Seminary class.

Of Girls and Teddy Bears A real-life based story about how even grown ups sometimes need something to hug.

Unicorn Truths A story about believing in unicorns, drawing butterflies, and the nature of sanity.

At the other site

SPark's adoptions Where you can adopt a cyber pet drawn by yours truly.

Mrrisa'a Kittenish Zone : A page made by my cyber-cat Mrrisa with help from her friend Corrine and my real cat Amorphous.

How to Draw Like SPark A little lesson on how to draw SPark style.

A basic SPark dragon My fist how-to, a basic dragon. (steps one through three)

Basic dragon, black and white version Steps four through six of the black and white version of my basic dragon.

Basic dragon, color version Steps four through six of the color version of my basic dragon.

A Spotted Owl Me second how-to, a four step spotted owl.

You can draw A collection of my old art, intended as encouragement for the beginning artist, since you can see how awful I was when I started this art thing. Thanks you for visiting my page. If there is something that you don't see here, and would like to see, or something you want more of, tell me, and I might just do what you want. After all, all this is here for you as much as for me. You can drop me a line with any suggestions at: [email protected]

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