Gemini II

Gemini II's Archive of Published Opinions
Contagious Hiccups The Rude Exchange Whacko White Supremists
Historical Future It's All In The Mind The Innocent Young, The Corrupted Old
The Theft of the Stone of Scone Thanks For What?!?! Irresponsible Youth...HA!!!
Our Purpose and Worth
(Parts I & II)
Half Jewish? I Don't Think So! Do We Live In A Great Time Or What?
Dating and Relationships Olympic Peace Time Kwan Cheated Out of Gold
The Law is Watching Homosexuals Are Human Beings The Solution To The Legality Debate Over Abortion
The Normalness of Psychological Disorders (Part I) How Important Is G-d (The Almighty)? The Limits Society Forces Upon Its Members
Afraid of the Dark? You May Be a Racist... Viewpoints Backward Baptists
Bill Clinton, Jiang Zemin, Human Rights, and Tibet The Private Lives of Public People Election '98
The Partisan Impeachment of Bill Clinton NATO Needs A Compass Mumia Abu-Jamal
President/Whatever 2000
41st Anniversary of the Lhasa Uprising The Paramilitary Kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez
Special Treatment of Criminal Athletes March For Tibetan Independance 2000 HE Wasn't On The Ballot, But...
Getya Peanuts! Getya Floridian Peanuts! What Can You Buy with $252 Million? Free Trade or Grand Theft Music?
The Price of the 2008 Olympics September 11th

= Most recently archived article. Check the homepage for the most recently written article.

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