Sarah Mackenzie’s Apartment
Georgetown, VA
0145 Local

The fire had died down to glowing embers, the candles were burning low. The room itself was chilly, but she was warm. Snuggled up securely in his arms, she doubted anything could bother her here.

Never in her entire life had she been so comfortable. Or felt this safe. It was amazing, really. Or rather, he was amazing.

Deep in her heart she had always known that he was the kindest and most honorable man she had ever known, but tonight had been something completely out of her experience. No one had ever put HER needs first and foremost. Typically men were just not that tuned in to her.

And it wasn’t that she had always been with selfish men. Most had wanted her to receive pleasure and had attempted to make sure she had. It was just that their pleasure had come first. She had always thought that that was just the way it was supposed to be.

Opening her eyes, she pulled back a little to look at the sleeping man holding her. There was no doubt he was incredibly handsome. Even in sleep he was gorgeous. She traced a finger lightly across his cheek and his bottom lip. He had such sensuous, soft lips.

She’d never had this chance before, the chance to touch him like this. Unable to resist the temptation, she let her hand trail down his chin and curve around the strong neck. Feeling brave, she slipped her hand inside his shirt, delighting in the feel of his muscled shoulder.

It was then she realized that he was aroused, even if he wasn’t awake. They were intimately close together below the waist, and she could feel him, hard against her. A smile flitted briefly across her face as she realized that he really did want her.

A thrill of desire ran through her. She almost didn’t recognize the feeling; it had been so long since she’d felt that. Without thinking, she arched up to kiss him, allowing her lips to brush gently against his.

For an instant he didn’t respond, but then his arms tightened around her, drawing her up and pulling her even closer. She tried to draw back, afraid she’d woken him, but then all thoughts flew out the window as his mouth settled over hers.

In an instant she was drowning in a torrent of feelings. Feelings she’d been afraid she’d never feel again. Need, hot and heavy, washed over her, drugging her. His mouth-oh God- his mouth was on hers, and her senses went into overload.

Sweet and gentle at first, he nibbled at her, his lips teasing hers before claiming her mouth in a passionate kiss that swept her completely away. When his tongue grazed her lips, as if asking for entrance, she opened to him like a flower.

There was nothing she wanted more than this. Harm as her lover. For so long, she’d been tied up in knots emotionally, fearing making love, fearing she wasn’t good enough. Just plain fear. She reveled in her new found freedom, reveled in the fact that she wanted him and he wanted her.

Desperate to get closer to him, she pushed away slightly and began unbuttoning his shirt. She wanted skin to skin contact, nothing between them. She wouldn’t settle for less.

It was a struggle. He kept pulling her closer, never stopping his sensual assault on her lips and she couldn’t bring herself to interrupt him. When the shirt finally opened, she slipped her hands in, glorying in his smooth hard muscles. Greedy for the feel of him, her fingers tangled in his chest hair, then slid up, trying to push the shirt off his shoulders.

While she was struggling with the shirt she felt him freeze. “Mac?”

Giving a low laugh, she managed to get the shirt off one arm as she answered. “Yes?”

He still didn’t move. “What are we doing?”

He was so cute. She took advantage of the fact he wasn’t moving and nibbled his neck, delighting in the goose bumps she raised. “I think you should be able to figure it out, Sailor. I’m pretty sure you’ve done it before.”

Laughter rumbled in his chest, but he persisted. “I thought we were going to wait until you were ready.” Boy scout that he was, she noticed he hadn’t pushed her away. And his hands closed on her shoulders convulsively as she tasted a sensitive spot where his shoulder met his neck.

“I’m ready.” She gave a little giggle. “I was kinda hoping you’d noticed.”

It was her turn to gasp when his hands reached down and cupped her rear. He shifted slightly, and then his lips grazed along her neck and his tongue flicked in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “I noticed. I just noticed before I was awake, and I wanted to be sure I hadn’t misinterpreted.”

His hand slipped under her dress and skimmed along the silken skin of her leg. “Oh.” She could barely think straight. “You didn’t.” His other hand smoothly unzipped her dress from the back. Another shiver went through her.

“I can’t tell you…” As he spoke he traced butterfly kisses back down her neck. “How glad I am to hear that.”

Incoherent now, she only managed to answer, “uh huh” as his fingers unsnapped her bra. Instead of pushing her dress down, he eased both hands inside the now open back of her dress, sliding down until they slipped under the waistband of her panties.

He paused, and she could feel the effort it took him to do so. “Are you sure, Mac?” His whisper was hoarse.

Taking his face in both her hands, she kissed him with everything she had in her. She broke it only to say breathlessly, “I’m sure, Harm.”

He groaned then, and pulled her tight against him. The heat between them became frantic as hands fumbled with clothing and still tried to touch and caress each other. Neither one wanted to move from the couch or leave the other long enough to disrobe.

It was Mac that finally made the move. Still kissing, she rolled over Harm and stood up, drawing him to a sitting position. She stepped away, allowing her dress and bra to fall to the floor. She tried not to look at him as she pushed her panties down and stood before him, naked.

He gazed at her, drinking her in. Hair tousled from their lovemaking, eyes liquid in the flickering candle light, she was breath-taking. “You’re so beautiful.” It was his tone of voice that gave her courage. He sounded…reverent…awestruck.

Taking his hand, she pulled him up. Boldly she answered him. “I want to see you. Naked.”

It didn’t take long to get his shirt off the one arm still in it. His pants were already unbuckled; he
wasn’t even sure how that happened. But in an instant he was naked too.

He didn’t give her the chance to really look at him. Instead, he pulled her to him, and the shock of feeling him naked against her rendered her speechless. But she gloried in it. Bare skin to bare skin-total intimacy. Oh how she had longed for it.

He seemed to echo her thoughts, because he just held her as he whispered. “Mac…I’ve wanted you for so long…” It seemed as if he held her forever, and at the same time it seemed as if it was only a moment. When he sat her down on the couch, she almost whimpered from the loss of contact.

“Wait,” he instructed. Turning from her, he took the poker and stirred the embers of the dying fire, then carefully placed more wood on it. As the flames flickered and shot up, she took the opportunity to admire him.

Well rounded bottom, muscled shoulders and abs. He was magnificent- all male. She watched as the muscles in his back rippled as he moved, bronzed by the fire. “Harm,” she called softly to him. “You’re the one that’s beautiful.” She couldn’t be sure because of the dim lighting, but she thought he blushed.

Stepping in front of her, he began to lean in to kiss her, but she stopped him with a gesture.

She couldn’t help it. Her hand went out to his shaft, delighting in the satiny feel of the skin. Her fingers curled around it, caressing and stroking.

“Mac…” he groaned, almost undone by her gentle touch. When she scooted forward and took him in her mouth, he thought he would pass out from the pleasure. Warm and wet, she engulfed him, swirling her tongue around him, gently circling the base with her hands. Unable to stop himself, his hips moved in perfect counterpoint to her movements.

Intuitively, Harm realized that Mac needed to control this first time together. He couldn’t rush her, or seem to overpower her. But if she kept up what she was doing to him, he was sure he wouldn’t be able to last. “Mac…please.” He couldn’t get the words out to make her understand.

But she did understand. With a last kiss to the tip, she released him, allowing him to sink to his knees in front of her, struggling to catch his breath. “You trying to kill me, Mac?” The smile in his voice belied the serious words.

A sultry laugh was his answer. And then she was kissing him.

He wasn’t quite sure how it happened. One minute he was gasping for air in front of her, the next he was on the couch beside her, mouths fused, hands exploring again. Finally…FINALLY…he was touching her. The full roundness of her breasts, the taut peak of her nipples.

With light nips and delicate suckles he made his way down her neck to her breast, pausing to nibble gently on her collarbone. “Oh Harm…” the sound of his name when she moaned that way sent another tendril of heat coursing through him. He sucked at her nipple, eliciting louder moans from her, as she clutched at his hair.

But when his hand snaked its way through her curls and grazed her clit, she almost came off the couch. “Oh God, Harm, Oh God…” The way she called him…he wanted to hear that again and again.

The final denouement began when his mouth followed his hand. The scent of her was overwhelming…delicious. He wanted to bury his face in her. But he forced himself to stop. “What do you want, Mac?”

“Please, Harm…” was all he could make out when she answered him.

“Look at me, Mac.” He asked, rather than commanded. Lifting her head, she met his gaze. She looked so sexy he almost came right there. “Is this what you want?” He flicked her clit with his tongue.

At his action, her head fell back and she called out loudly. “Yes…yes…yesss….Haaarmmmm…”

Relentless, he slipped a finger, then two inside her, all the time teasing her clit.

“Yes…please…Harm…Oh God…Harmmm.” The tide rose inside her, pushing higher and faster, until she was on the crest, poised to tumble over. Consummate skill on his part kept her there until she could stand it no longer, and she cried out for release. “Please…now…Harm…I can’t…”

She didn’t know what he did, but he sent her crashing and tumbling over the edge, the wave washing over her. For the first time in her life she lost control completely and screamed out his name. “HARM!”

Disoriented, she could only wait while the waves slowly dissipated, leaving her limp and sated.

He waited with her, resting his head on her thigh, half on and half off the couch. Despite the fact he was cramped and uncomfortable, he wasn’t ready to leave her. He drank off her sexual flow, and inhaled the sexy aroma. He was in heaven.

When she managed to move, she pulled herself up, helping him to sit up on the couch. Smiling, she kissed him deeply. “Harm, I…don’t know what you did. I’ve never felt like that before.” She didn’t allow him to reply, resuming her kiss.

Her fingers found his cock, stroking and fondling, wrangling a few strangled moans from him. He couldn’t wait. He was already hard, hot, and ready. This time he was the one begging. “Please, Mac. I need you.”

Recognizing the raw tone of desperation, she didn’t make him wait. Straddling him, she guided him into her, slowly sinking down. As the wet heat of her slid over him, he could only think of one thing. This was what he’d been waiting for his entire life. This feeling of completion. Whatever else happened in his life, he knew this was it for him.

“Ooooohhhhh….” A long moan was all he could verbalize. When she rotated her hips and began the push and pull, he thought he would black out from the sheer bliss of it all.

He could feel her muscles tighten inside, drawing his shaft in deeper, squeezing it. Moaning her name loudly, his hand found her nipples, pinching them. One hand slipped to down to massage her clit, and their heated motions increased as the both groaned out their delight.

She went over the edge almost silently this time, whispering his name over and over, and he couldn't resist her. He plunged over right behind her, back arching in one of the strongest orgasms he's ever had. He couldn't even call out as he sank into a sea of ecstasy.

Collapsed against him, she could barely move. He held on to her and slid sideways, allowing his body to fall prone on the couch. She fell with him, landing on top of him and driving what little breath he had left out of him with a loud whoosh.

She giggled and then apologized, sounding completely unrepentant. "Sorry."

For some reason, it struck him as funny and he laughed out loud. "Sorry? Sorry for what? Disturbing my sleep? Trying to kill me?"

They both laughed at that, feeling deliriously happy and silly the way lovers often do.

When their laughter faded, he shifted a little, settling them both more comfortably on the couch. "I love you, Mac." There was not a trace of laughter in his voice as he said this.

"I love you too." Her voice was equally serious.

"Think you could get us a blanket?" Humor crept back in.

Heaving a long-suffering sigh, she answered, "I guess so."

Making sure that she rolled over him, smothering him and pressing an elbow into his stomach, she fought her way to her feet.

"Hey!" His indignant tone set her to laughing again.

"Sorry." She still didn't sound repentant.

He made a grab for her, but she evaded his hands as she went for the blanket. "You're lucky I'm tired."

"Yeah yeah. Big bad squid will punish the little marine," she called over her shoulder sarcastically.

A tickle struggle ensued when she returned, but eventually they ended up snuggled under the blanket together.

Sleep came easily to both of them.


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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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