Jag Headquarters
1440 Local

Harm sat in his office, surreptitiously watching Mac through the glass between their offices. Beautiful as always, there was an underlying tension that showed in the set of her shoulders even when she was working alone at her desk. For the thousandth time he went over the events of the last few days, trying to figure out what was going on in her mind.

Saturday night had been rough, but Sunday night she had been better. He’d shown up at the appointed hour, with food, and she had actually eaten. While no outright laughter escaped from her, she had appeared cheerful and had even smiled at some of his jokes. He’d been feeling pretty hopeful that the previous night’s eruption had been cathartic, and that she would be able to move on.

Then they had started on the case, and she shut down. Completely. She became the prototype cool professional Marine attorney, allowing none of her personal feelings to show. In effect, she became the Mac of years ago, when he had first met her. She hadn’t even argued about him assuming first chair.

In retrospect, he should have expected it, but it caught him off-guard. Given her explanation of what had been bothering her, her own experiences with attempted rape, he had expected a little more emotional reaction to the case. When they had first started out as partners, men that reminded her of her abusive father had brought out an open hostility. While tough to deal with, the reaction had allowed him to confront her and attempt to help her achieve perspective. But this time, she absolutely closed down. Discussing the case with a cold, professional detachment, she had given him no opening, no way to draw a parallel to her own feelings.

The case was relatively simple, a he said-she said situation that would be difficult if not downright impossible to solve. According to the young male Marine lieutenant, Lieutenant Gilroy, the girl, Gloria Masters, had had consensual sex with him after he’d met her in a bar. He’d walked her out to her car and one thing had led to another, etc. The girl’s story was he’d simply shown up at her car while she was unlocking it and raped her.

No witnesses. DNA evidence was inconclusive as the lieutenant did not deny having had sex with her, only the rape part. The girl had apparently related to a friend what had happened, and the friend had convinced her to report it, which she did one week after the encounter. While there was some physical evidence, a few bruises and a couple of “love bites”, that was basically it. Neither the lieutenant nor the girl had ever been in trouble with the law prior to this incident.

He’d thought that Mac might crack when they interviewed Lieutenant Gilroy on Monday afternoon, but she’d maintained that cool, professional demeanor throughout the interview. Nothing had leaked through that façade. As first chair, Harm had directed the interview and asked the questions. Mac had been quiet for the most part, only interrupting occasionally to clarify a point. She had been enclosed in steel.

Now they had a meeting with the victim, never a pleasant experience. Even if he accepted his client’s story, he had to deal with the accuser. In this instance, when he couldn’t be sure who was telling the truth, he dreaded it. To prove their client’s innocence they were going to have take to this girl apart. And if his client was guilty, well, he’d best not think about that. He hated rape cases. He rose to get Mac.

The knock on the door made her look up. She was unsurprised to see Harm standing there. “It’s about time for our meeting. Are you ready?”

She gave a short nod, collected her files, and went to join him at the door. Inside, she felt as if she were about to throw up. The interview with Lieutenant Gilroy had been bad enough; she’d just managed to control herself by convincing herself he must be innocent. And she could let Harm handle most of the questioning, allowing her to safely hide in the shadows. This interview she would be doing the questioning. She dreaded this interview with everything in her.

A young girl of about 21 was seated in the conference room when they arrived, Sturgis seated by her side. She was a pretty girl, with a waif-like appearance that boded ill for their client. She was small and she looked scared to death.

“Commander, Colonel.” Sturgis was formal in his presentations. “This is Gloria Masters. Gloria, this is Commander Rabb and Colonel Mackenzie. They are Lieutenant Gilroy’s defense team.”

Gloria nodded to them, not saying anything. They both sat down across the table as they acknowledged the introductions. The haunted look in her eyes chilled Mac’s soul. This was not going to be easy.

“Miss Masters, may I call you Gloria?” Mac began the questioning, carefully keeping her voice soft and unthreatening. At the girl’s nod, she continued. “Gloria, why don’t you tell us what happened.”

Gloria took a deep breath, obviously fortifying herself as best she could. “I’ve already told the police and Commander Turner everything. Can’t you just read my statement?” Gloria had blue eyes that were red-rimmed and blood-shot, probably from crying. They begged Mac not to make her repeat the story.

Mac hardened her heart, although it killed her to do so. “I’m sorry, Gloria.” But she couldn’t do it. The anguish in the girl’s eyes got to her. Against her will, she softened. “How about if I lead you through it? Would that be easier?”

Harm shot her a surprised look; this was not how they had planned it. Mac was supposed to get the girl to tell her the story so they could look for inconsistencies with her police statement. It was standard operating procedure. He decided not to interrupt, hoping Mac had a plan.

“You met Lieutenant Gilroy at Beaches, is that right?” Mac’s tone was sympathetic, setting the scene for the girl to talk, coaxing her.

“Yes.” Gloria’s voice was shaky, but she seemed determined to get this over with.

“How did you meet him? Did a friend introduce him?” Both Harm and Mac knew from Gilroy there had been no introduction.

“No, he came up to me and asked me to dance. I was with a group of friends, so I said okay.” Gloria looked at Sturgis nervously, and he smiled reassuringly.

“And did you dance with him?”

Harm relaxed slightly, Mac was letting the girl tell the story a little at a time. She was good.

“Yes, we danced a couple of times. He seemed nice, and not too pushy or anything.”

“And what happened after you danced?”

Harm wanted Mac to inquire into what type of dances, slow or fast, but Mac pushed on. He decided she was waiting for the trial for that. They already had that information from Gilroy. It could easily be confirmed by Gloria’s friends anyway.

“Well, I was tired, I wanted to go home. We’d all driven our own cars, so I said good night and left.” Gloria stopped and took a drink of water. “He wanted to walk me to my car, but I said no. I…I…didn’t want to lead him on or anything.”

Mac paused in her questioning, aware they were coming to the difficult part. She wished she could have a drink too, just not water.

“And then?”

“I went to the bathroom and then walked out to my car.” Gloria’s hands started to shake, and Sturgis quickly put his hand over hers, calming her. She took another deep breath and continued as he removed his hand. “I had parked in the back because I had arrived late. I unlocked the car with the remote, and when I got there he…Gil…was there.”

Mac tasted bile in her mouth. She didn’t want to hear this. She didn’t want to ask the questions she had to ask. She wanted nothing more than to run out of this room, preferably screaming. But she didn’t. She stiffened her spine. “Go on.”

“He…he…well…he said he wanted to get to know me and asked for my phone number. I told him I didn’t think so, and to please get out of my way. I started to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm.”

“Did you scream?” Mac’s voice had taken on a flatness.

“Um…no…I thought he would leave me alone…and I didn’t want to make a scene.”

Desperately Harm wanted to interrupt, to clarify what was happening. How close were they to the car, why didn’t her friends walk her out, there were numerous questions to be asked. But Mac was oblivious to him.

“And then what happened?”

The girl started to cry. “He kissed me. He said…he…said he knew I wanted it. I tried to tell him no, but he wouldn’t listen.”

Mac was holding on to her emotions so hard she didn’t even realize she was crying with the girl. A tear rolled down her cheek. Both Harm and Sturgis looked at her, shocked.

“He forced me into the back seat…and then he…and then he…he…” Gloria broke down then, sobbing into her hands.

Mac stood up abruptly. “Excuse me.”

And before Harm could stop her, she was gone.

45 minutes later

Harm walked out of the conference room, leaving Sturgis to comfort his crying witness. Mac had never returned, so he’d taken over, asking the questions that needed to be asked. He hated it, but he had a job to do.

He caught sight of Bud as he walked towards his office. “Bud, have you seen Mac?”

“No sir, well, yes sir.” Usually Bud’s confusion made Harm smile, but not now. Now, he needed to talk to Mac.

“Which is it, Bud?” His uncharacteristic sharp tone seemed to take Bud aback, but he answered more coherently.

“I saw her leave, sir. She walked straight out of the conference room to her office, picked up her purse, and left.” Bud paused, looking concerned. “She looked like, well, like she’d been crying.”

Damn it. He should have insisted she take herself off this case. It was hitting too close for her. “Has she called in?”

“Not that I know of, sir.”

“Thanks, Bud.” Harm continued on to his office, unsure of what to do. Should he give her space, or should he follow her? Sitting down at his desk, he tried her at home and on her cell. She wasn’t answering, of course. Sighing, he sat back in his chair, debating his next course of action.

There was one niggling thought that had been in the back of his mind since Saturday night. He’d done his best to talk himself out of it, and then ignore it. But he couldn’t escape it. He’d even asked her the question, but she’d denied it. But this last episode forced him to reconsider it.

He had investigated enough rape cases to know Mac’s behavior was consistent with that of a rape victim. The anger, the not wanting to be touched, even the denial. But should he confront her? What if he was wrong? She’d be so angry he’d be lucky to escape alive, especially in her current frame of mind. And, he acknowledged, he could be wrong. Her behavior was also consistent with someone who had been forced to kill to defend herself, more than once. But, God help him, what if he was right?

There was only one thing he could do. He’d have to investigate. If she found out, his ass was grass.


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© once upon a rose garden 2003
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