Prestige Classes

Ascetic To deny the body is to feed the spirit -- so say those few who would ascertain an insight into the cosmos that few every know; nevertheless, the trained mind of an ascetic also has the power to deny his body pain.

Bamboo Warrior Defender of the family's bond with a sacred grove of sasa, the bamboo warrior is a spirit folk few desire encounter in their home forest.

Chaer Run' Elite Warrior Fierce barbarians from the Kainuik Wastelands, Elite Warriors of Tribe Chaer' Run are immune to pain, stunning, fear, the elements, and maybe even death and thinking.

Disciple of the Griffon Claw Elven and half-elven known to have slain their namesake with their bare hands, these disciples are rumored to possess talons rather than fists, so deadly are they in combat.  By Vladimir of the Wizards.Com Boards.  Featuring artwork by Vekthor.

Eagle Spirit Warrior Oft at odds with the tribal shaman, eagle spirit warriors embody the keen senses and indomitable nature of their totem.

Foe Hunter Ranger or otherwise dedicant to the tracking and eliminating of a single type of enemy, foe hunters make the hunt a deadly art.

Forlorn Having lost a companion irrevocably in a horrifying manner, the promise of the Forlorn is never to witness the same again.  She can not only heal wounded mortally wounded companions, but also grant them resistance to death by her simple presence.

Hidden Beast Alchemists of the soul, those who would become a hidden beast must concoct the perfect potion.  Upon imbibing it, the transformation begins -- into the beast!

Inja (Hermit) Hermits of the lands of samurai and bushi, inja (not ninja!) wander the loneliest parts of that land.  Travel is their game, and they are adept at avoiding the dangers it poses.

Jaguar Warrior Wearing the skin of their totem cat, these tribal warriors seek to emulate the jaguar in ferocity and skill.

Makuran Fire Walker Training themselves by walking over hot coals, these fervent followers of Temple Makura can summon the very fires of their god-like volcano.

Metabolist Able to perform amazing feats of physical strength, the metabolist uses not only his musculature but also his mind.

Mukei (Incorporeal) Eschewing all but one weapon, the mukei can summon her spirit weapon with but a thought, and as she gains esoteric knowledge, instill her own spirit into her weapon to become incorporeal.

Origami Master (Origami no Tensai) Able to fold simple paper into actual creatures, the origami no tensai commands a curious power. 

Quarreler Trained in the expert use of the crossbow, these marksmen can not only hit the bulls eye but intercept an arrow on the way to its target.

Shinkage (New Shadow) Meaning new shadow, the shinkage exemplify the philosophical teachings of Shou Ken Cloisters in their ability to burst into a flurry of inhuman speed.

Shinsei (The Divine) Shinsei are holy warriors able to wield the powers of the mind to advance the causes of Shou Ken Cloisters.

Sumotori These are the practicioners of the art of sumo.  Legendary might is what they wield.  Beware any trodden underfoot.  By drakin769 of the Wizards message boards.

Wild Blade Ronin A maverick within a society obsessed with position and decorum, this masterless warrior fits in where he can -- which is usually wherever his sword can carve breathing room.

The Wu Jen

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