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Banded Flutterer Dragonfly - Rhyothemls graphiptera


This page contains pictures and information about Banded Flutterer Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. 
Male and female, body length 33mm

Banded Flutterer Dragonfly is also known as Small Pond Dragonfly. This dragonfly flies with fluttering in a slow speed, gliding most of the time. Its wings are longer than its body. 

This dragonfly is very easy to recognize. The two pairs of wings are in gold colour with brown pattern. We see a lot of these dragonflies flying around in Macgregor Park, Oxley Creek and Bulimba Creek in Brisbane. 
wpe9.jpg (20681 bytes)  wpeB.jpg (21213 bytes)
Banded Flutterer Dragonflies fly slowly, usually gliding instead of flying. If they fly, they flutter their wings slowly. They usually rest in small group on grasses near the creek or at the middle of the pond.
Male Banded Flutterer wings 

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Last updated: November 06, 2004.
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