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Water Prince Dragonfly - Hydrobasileus brevistylus


This page contains information and pictures about Water Prince Dragonflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 50mm, wingspan 100mm
This is a very large dragonfly with strong but relatively short body. Its wings are much longer than its body, so we expected the dragonfly is good at gliding flight and may be good at  long distance travel too. Its abdomen is black with yellow spots.
Female, wingspan 100mm
We saw this Water Prince Dragonfly only a few times. First time the dragonfly was laying eggs alone on the Moolabin Creek in mid summer. We saw two times female laying eggs alone in a small pond near Mt-Coot-Tha Library in early and mid summer. After laying eggs she fly away and disappear.
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We saw a few time the dragonfly rest on plants at water edge of Bulimba Creek in Yugarapul Park. They rested with body in vertical and abdomen slightly curved. They like to rest about one to two meters from ground in an area under thick plants covering.
Female lays eggs when hovering and inserts the tip of her abdomen into the water with plants and algae. We saw the eggs ball on her abdomen before she put them under the water.  
Wings of Water Prince Dragonfly

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Last updated: November 06, 2004.
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