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Midget Whisp Damselfly - Agriocnemis pygmaea

The Smallest Damselfly


This page contains information and pictures about Midget Whisp Damselflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 20mm

This is the smallest damselflies we found. The head and thorax is pale green in colour with black pattern. Abdomen is pale red with black with the red tail light.

  wpe3.jpg (28905 bytes) 

They are not easy to find for they are very small in size, even thinner than a needle. They usually hide low and near the water edge, among thick vegetations. So they can be seen only when you are standing in the water. Once you find them you can always have a close look at them for they fly neither fast nor far. 

Wings of Midget Whisp Damselfly

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Last updated: November 06, 2004.
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