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Flamehead Sprite Damselfly

Pseudagrion ignifer, FAMILY COENAGRIONIDAE

This page contains information and pictures about Flamehead Sprite Damselflies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Male and female, body length 46mm
Flamehead Sprite Damselflies can be found on running water or still water. They are large damselflies. They may not be as abundant as the Blue Sprite Damselflies, but their males are easily recognized by their orange-yellow faces. Their lower part of thorax are greenish-blue, with black colour in between. Their abdomen are black, with greenish-blue marking at tail. 
Male Flamehead Sprite Damselfly                          Female, body length 46mm. 
They are the largest damselfly that we found. They can be found on the plants on a sunny summer day along Bulimba creek. They like the semi-shaded running water area. 
The above second picture shows the female Flamehead Damselfly, she is enjoying a meal, looks like it is a small bug.
Flamehead Damselflies couple laying eggs in tamden. The female is inserting eggs into the plant under the water surface. 
Wings of  Flamehead Sprite Damselfly

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Last updated: September 12, 2003.
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